Uncontrollable Power Read Count : 167

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

Rachel just moved to town and she had to be given a tour of the school on her first day. The school has 4 floors. Lockers are assigned by grade. Freshman on the ground floor and seniors on the top floor.


Rachel is a junior so she will have to make the trek up 2 flights of stairs to be shown where her locker is. When she got to the school she was assigned a tour guide. 

Her guide was a girl named Selina. Selina was about 5'2” with pretty red hair and green eyes. All students are required to wear the school uniform which meant a black button up with a red plaid skirt for girls and a black shirt and pants with a red plaid vest for the boys. 

As they started the tour rachel could hear all the dirty thoughts of the other students since she is an empath. She still doesnt have much control of her powers so she cant drown out the voices. 

Selina can see an uncomfortable look on Rachel's face and stops. “are you ok” selina says as she places a hand on rachel's shoulder. 

Rachel nods her head while still holding it from the pain.”im fine” she didnt want to bother Selina with her problems but her head felt like it was being cracked open. 

But soon it stopped and it felt like it never happened. That confused rachel she looks up at selina. “do you have a nullification power?”

 Selina looks confused “no I have pyrokenesis” she lights the tip of her finger on fire to show Rachel. 

“there is only one nullify power user in the school and that is the principal” she says as the fire on her finger goes out. 

Soon the principal walks up and gives the girls a smile. Principal smith was a man in his late fifties with salt and pepper hair. He wore a light brown suit with a bright color tie. 

“sorry I could see the pain look on your face and I remembered you were a empath so I nullified your powers for a bit to help.” he said politely. 

“how long will it last” asked rachel 

“oh about an hour or so but if it gets bad again come see me and ill make it last longer” he says 

Rachel nods and says thank you.Selina shows her the way to their first class would be so they wouldn't be late. Towards the end of class the nullification wore off. 

“i thought it was suppose to last about an hour” says Rachel as she holds her head from the voices flooding back in. Selina raises her hand 

“Mrs Russell can I take Rachel to the nurses office her head is hurting” said Selina 

Mrs Russell sees Rachel clutching her head and tells her yes. Selina takes Rachel out of the classroom and somewhere nobody is at. Rachel's headache lessened the farther she got away from the other students. They ended up in the field out behind the school. Rachel plopped down on the ground and laid back an stared at the sky. 

The sky just melted all the pain away. She closed her eyes and just drifted to sleep. Her dream was about a guy she doesnt remember meeting. He was about 6' with long dark hair and a gaze that made her freeze. The moment he was about to talk she was pulled out and was staring at a tall guy with short white hair. 

“Ah so you are the new girl” the guy asked as he put his arm around Selina. 

This act did not go unnoticed as his hair caught fire. He just back and swats at his hair to put it out. 

“isnt it dangerous to light people on fire” rachel asked while watching to the guy struggle. 

“He will be fine. That is not his real body anyway” Selina said with a chuckle. 

Rachel felt an arm on her shoulder and as she looked up she saw the white haired guy. 

“Im lucian. Selina and I have a history so I try to keep some distance.” His greenish brown eyes kinda drew in rachel. 

It was like he sucked out all her energy by touching her. She mustered enough energy to get away from him and back away. She ran into something or someone. She couldnt hear any extra thoughts other than the hatred Selina had for lucian and lucians ego. Why would there be a wall in the middle of the field she thought to herself. Then an arm wrapped around her and she was picked off the ground.

part 2: https://writersoutlet.io/writings/view/MTY2NjQ=


  • Wow this is very interesting. a few minor improvements could always be made, but it's looking great so far.

    Apr 20, 2018

  • May 07, 2019

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