Uncontrollable Power 2 Read Count : 162

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

Fear sets in as she isnt able to read the thoughts of the person who grabbed her. Then the person whispers into her ear. 

“if you stay to close to them two you will get hurt.” the voice was something else if felt soft but commanding. 

How could simple words erase all her fear. Then a thought entered her head “Adrian”. 

She has never been this close to a guy since most guys were always thinking vulgar thoughts. She cleared her throat. 

“Are you Adrian” he set her back down and dropped to the ground and stared up at the sky. 

Adrian was about 6' with long dark hair that flowed in the wind. The expressionless look he always had on his face kept people at a distance. Rachel just stared at him a slight blush appearing on her cheeks. This is the guy from that dream and why does he go to this school. 

Adrian could feel her stare and shift to look her in the eyes. The blueness of his eyes peered right through her. A slight smile tugged on his mouth. 

Selina finally noticed rachel staring at something so she came to investigate. As she got closer she saw what rachel was looking at. 

She smiled “i see you finally met adrian. He is a bit of a odd one but at least he is cute.” 

Lucian comes back up behind Selina and whispers into her ear. “If you take your eyes off of me I might do something naughty to you” 

Selina loses it and elbows him in the stomach. Another lucian walks up and absorbs the clone and puts his arms up in surrender.Adrian gets up and walks over to Selina and puts his arm over her shoulders. 

“you guys done fighting now.” Selina slightly blushes cause adrian has his arm around her. 

“he started it by touching me” blurted out Selina. 

Adrian laughs “but im touching you right now and you havent hurt me” 

Selina turns her head away “you're ok since you only touch me friendly like giving hugs but lucian is just a pervert” 

Lucian just rolls his eyes and goes over to rachel. Once he got close to her she moved towards Selina and gets behind her. 

“why are you running I was seeing if you were ok” asked Lucian.

 Selina glares at him “she is an empath she can hear your lecherous thoughts” 

Lucian stops “great. Im not that bad” 

Adrian leans down and whispers into Selina's ear. They both start laughing. Rachel keeps looking at adrian and trying to read his thoughts. 

“adrian? What is your power” rachel asks. 

The grin on adrians face disappears and is replaced with a look of sadness. She grabs his bare arm. A tear runs down rachel's face but she doesn't know why. He pulls his arm away and pulls down his sleeve. 

“you're not about to read my thoughts but since you are an empath you can feel someones emotions if you make skin contact” said adrian.

rachel just noticed the gloves on his hands as he wiped away the tear from her face. 

“dont be sad princess” adrian said as he walked away with his hands in his pockets 

Part 3 https://writersoutlet.io/writings/view/MTk5MTI=


  • Kat Willy

    Kat Willy


    Jul 22, 2018

  • Crystal Inferno

    Crystal Inferno

    This is good

    Jan 16, 2019

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