Brighthearts Sadness Read Count : 168

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
Jayfeather padded around his den, treating Daisy. Leafpool casted a glance at Cloudtail, who was curled up with Daisy together in a nest. Leafpool then looked out of the den at Brightheart, the poor she-cat was curled up with kits crying her eyes out while the kits attempted to help but failed. She casted a worried stare at Jayfeather who lowered his tail in responce. Daisy woke up along with Cloudtail, their eyes finally opening. Bramblestar walked into the medicine den and liked over at Daisy and Cloudtail together. Jayfeather could sence Bramblestar's pity for Brightheart just by looking at Cloudtail and Daisy. "Cloudtail!" His voice boomed, startling awake them both, Cloudtail looked up . "Go hunting with Brightheart." Daisy growled when Cloudtail left the den.

Brightheart saw Bramblestar approach from her good eye. The kits were curled up against her belly when Millie padded out of the den. "Brightheart, please go on a hunting patrol with Cloudtail." Brightheart nodded and got up, careful not to wake the kits. Millie took over and slept with the kits. They walked out of the nursery and Bramblestar padded away while Brightheart stood at the entrance waiting for him. Cloudtail approached her and walked out of camp. Brightheart had caught nothing yet while Cloudtail had caught a squirrel. Her eyes drooped with sleep as she sniffed around the tree. Her eyes went wide as she heard a growl behind her.

Brightheart turned on heels with her claws unsheathed. A windclan cat! He jumped at her his mouth wide open. She gave a loud yelp and dodged quickly. Brightheart clawed Weaselfur's flank and bit his leg. She swung him round and threw the warrior at a rock. He attacked again biting her neck, she screamed and wriggled out of its grasp, clawing his belly in the process. Weaselfur fell to the floor unmoving. Brightheart gasped, she didn't mean to kill Weaselfur at all! 

She felt weak when she dragged herself back to camp, her leg dragging against the floor. Her vision was giving up on her. Brightheart entered camp, her neck bleeding a lot. She gasped for air and hit the floor. Squirrelflight snapped her head up and rushed over calling for Leafpool. The clan watched in dismay as the she-cats dragged Brightheart to the medicine den. Inside Jayfeather was applying herbs to Brightheart when Cloudtail came in. He gasped dropping his prey and rushed to her side. Jayfeather closed his blind eyes and after some moments later, he opened them again. 

"It's her time to join Starclan."


  • Apr 18, 2017

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