Endless Road Episode 1 The Stars
Read Count : 156
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Chapter 1 : down a straight path 1. 2 years earlier, four high school kids were driving , "Hell yeah" said frank one of the teens the other 3 were Ash and Alex they were the girls , Frank and coal were the boys they laughed as they drove down the road in a blue ford truck they guys were in front and the girls in back . They stopped at a house coal yelled out "hey get out here were going" 7 more people got in the truck in all there were 6 guys and 4 girls . Mike , Frank, coal , Mark, Sha and , Rob. The girls were Ash , Alex , Sam , and , Care . 2. They drove out of town into the mountains when a tire popped the truck flipped everyone screamed . Two minutes later Sam woke up she coughed Frank said "fu-" . Mike got out they were all shocked then Alex said "don't look down" . They all did the car was on a cliff and the only thing holding it was two trees on both sides but it was going to fall . Then rob said "I see a path maybe we can take that" sha looked up . He said "yeah yeah that would work" . So Mike said "ok me and coal will lifted yall up there lighter to bigger" he said ash came over she jumped "uhh" she yelled grabbing a tree she said "made it". They all went then it was down to 4 more frank, rob ,coal, and ,mike . They all looked at each other then Sam said "should we stay" . Rob said "Nahh go up its safer that way". Mike got up then frank . Mike said "rob Common buddy" . Rob reached his arm out when the truck shaked . Coal gulped rob looked at Mike he said "shit" when the truck went down a little, Mike said "reach" frank said "damn it common" when the truck slipped sideways coal fell on glass and Rob went right thru the side door window he grabbed on to the door "ahh shit" he yelled he hanged on with one hand , "no please shit" he said .Mike said "no" the door swung open he slid down to the end of the door glass pearsed his fingers "Nahh help me" he yelled . Coal stood up the glass broke he said "Rob man" when the thing shaked then Mike said "coal jump" he was a out to jump , when it fell they both reached . Coal and Rob yelled "nahhhh" they yelled frank stood up he said "no shit" . Mike looked down then he said fuck . Chapter 2 : were just getting started 3. 2 years later , Mike drove down the road he listened to music , He drove to a grave yard he walked up to a grave he went down and said "hey Rob".When frank and Sam came Sam said "we just brought him some flowers" , Mike said "thank you", then frank said "I'm sorry for what happened to rob your brother he was a great kid rob deserves better " Mike said "he did" they all left then Sam said "if you want you can come to Ashley's place were having a small get together". Then Mike said "yeah maybe" frank drove off , Alex walked down stairs in the house was everyone spread out. Then Sam said "so how's everyone" when Alex said "I'm good" frank said "yeah me to" Carolyn said "well I think I'm good" Sam smiled and said "that's great care" Alex got up and went into the kitchen Mike Shawn frank and mark Ashley said "hey guys wanna play some chest"when the power shut off mark said "we'll shit" Alex said "damn" . Mark stood up , Ashley grabbed flashlights she said "hey yall get some candles around the house me and team 3 can find the fuse" her mark and frank went to the base ment they got to the box the mark "so" when they found the fuse frank saw the light . Ashley turned it on she said "good" when the house shaked then they all ran up stairs Sam said shit when they all passed out , They woke up in a dark room. Mike got up he said "no what is this" . Ashley said "Mike is that you" he looked at her everyone else woke up they heard noise above them . Then Sam said "shit I think someone put us down here" then Ashley said "so what do we do we can't stay down here and we can't scream either only dumb people in movies do that" . Frank said "yeah". Chapter 3 : in the road 4. Shawn looked around he said "well fuck what now" they all looked around Sam said "where are we" ? Mark saw pipes , Care said "I think we're in the road under it omg omg omg omg no no no" ! she said panicking Sam walked over to the wall she hit it frank said "your not braking thru that" she said "I know I'm just thinking" she said Mike said "great yeah just think" when they all shaked Caroline looked up mark said "who would do this who would put us down here" ? Then mark said "I don't know" they started to walk it was a long dark path it looked like it went on forever Alex said "if we don't get out what happens"?