A Day Of Horror
Read Count : 136
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
Chapter 1: Cynthia It was Monday, which I hate, I was suddely blinded by the light shining through the old, cracked window waiting for night. I wanted to desend to Freddy Fasbear's Pizzeria. I, being lucky, was only a few blocks away, my trusted friend told me to go there. It was broad daylight and I decided to get up. "12:00 a.m, a new record!" I thought to myself. Me, Cynthia, being 11 years old will transport to Fready's place. My old creaky bed decided to wake me up at such an early time. My sister, Allison, was awake, stairing blankly into the wall. "Why go to Freddy Fasbears?" she creepily asked and stared at me like she was a lion and I was her food. I almost exploded of horror, paralized I couldn't move. The bed crawled towards me and ate me. Apperently I was food. I tried to fight but nothing happened, I didn't feel pain. Was I dead? Chapter 2: Deric "I can't beleve Cynthia fell for that, going to Freddy Fasbear's, is she nuts?" I told Kattie laughing and fell on the floor. "Ugh you can be soooo mean sometimes you know, we have to go with her! Exclaimed Kattie, I could tell she was mad. "Fine I will go with you", I was discusted to have a friend who wasn't on my- "Ring Ring". The phone went berserk, I picked it up. "What do you want?," I said snootily- Hey I was poupular I didn't have to be nice- "I heard my friend Cynthia was going to Freddy Fassbear's hkhcjcjcdidgvdufi," she talked to fast and I couldn't understand her. "Yea sooo?" I asked impatiant. "Kglhxhdjcjcldudl," she said but I still couldn't understand her, so I hung up. Chapter 3: Cynthia As i fell in the slimy, grotesk mouth of my bed I could tell it was a dream. Thats why my thoughts were bonkers I would never wake up at 12:00 a.m. Suddenly I sproutted up as if i were brussel sprouts. My friend said to go there at 1:00 A.M. on Tuesday sooo I had a whole 14 hours to wait (and yes i woke up at 8:00) When it is summer I like sleeping in. "Ring Ring RI- ""Hey Amanda" I said "wha-" then Amand interupted "Cynthia your going to Freddy Fasbear's? Why? How could you! And at 1:00 a.m why!?!?!" she was talking sooo fast I could barely understand her. "Calm down, would it make you feel better if you came?" I asked. "Yesss, I don't want you to die!" "woahh Amanda I'm not going to die!" I exclaimed, and I made a horrified face, as if I saw murder. Then we bolth said bye and I hung up, and I spent my day away until 12:45 and started to Freddy Fasbear's Pizzeria Chapter 4: Amanda Since I'm across the street from the pizza place I waited until I saw Cynthia. Finally I went outside, it was chilly out because it was Fall but I wore my black, fluffy jacket that Cynthia gave me. I was Cynthia's best friend or as I like to call it best frannnnn. You can probobly tell I'm wierd also I have A.D.H.D., soo if I have a sugar rush, run! Anyways I sprinted faster then I ever ran befor accross the street. Of course I made sure it was safe, thats why I ran because she was already heading inside. "Wait!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, but she just called me a slow poke and countinued. Chapter 5: Kattie Swing! That was the sound of a door opening of course Deric wanted to sneak behind the building and scare Cynthia, I don't know why I'm friends with that guy. To keep him out of trouble? So he will have at least a freind? Either way I think he needs me. The End If you want to see more check more of my writings later I will write about when they go in for now peace! Edited by my sister Allison.
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