Read Count : 166
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
WinterStar- Live 7, a pure white tom FoxPelt- A fire tom, ShadowMoons mate. Blue eyes FlowerFeather- A white and ginger spotted she cat. Green eyes Apprinces Sourpaw- med apprintice. A fluffy white she cat with dark hazel eyes Quietpaw- A small she cat, Green eyes. FoxPelt is mentor Thristlepaw - A long thin tom with a long tail and Brown eyes. TigerStripe is mentor. Briarpaw- A small plump brown she cat with yellow eyes. DustClaw is mentor. Fawnpaw- a light brown Shecat, with blue eyes. Berrytail is mentor. Robinkit- A fire red she cat with white dotted feet and chest kinda. Mentor is LionTuft. Squirrelpaw- A red she cat with a bushy tail and green eyes. Mentor is RabbitFoot. Warriors RabbitFoot- A elder warrior, white chest and tail with brown fur, Yellow eyes. Kits are BrightDust and BerryTail. Mate is RushingWind, died. DustClaw- A dark grey tom and orange eyes. Sister BrightDust. Berrytail- A red ish brown she cat. Mate is DustClaw. Brother is LionTuft. Parents are RushingWind and RabbitFoot. BrightDust- A white ish grey she cat. Mate is TigerStripe. Her eyes are Tinted white eyes LionTuft- A mainy tom, yellow Fur TigerStripe- A brown tom with darker strikes down his spine FireFang- A red tom with long white belly fur and blue eyes. SmallTail- A small Shecat smooth mossy fur, green eyes. Nursery ShadowMoon- A Pitch black she cat with only a white tip on her tail. Mate is FoxPelt. Eyes are Frosty blue. -Robinkit- A fire red she cat with white dotted feet and chest kinda. - Squirrelkit- A red she cat with a bushy tail and green eyes Poppyfur- A red she cat with orange eyes mate is LionTuft WindKit- a light grey tom and fluffy fur and green eyes. Goosekit- a dusty grey tom with black chest and ear tiped tom with blue eyes. Sweetkit- a light yellow fur she catand Bright orange eyes -Briarkit- A small plump brown she cat with yellow eyed -Fawnkit- a light brown Shecat, with blue eyes Elders MoonDust- A once pretty black Shecat. Suck and old. SmallFur- A shorter tom, green eyes and going blind Chapter 1 “ Shouldn't her eyes be open?” “ SmallTail, give her time. Robinkit is only a day old.” She felt her mother's raspy tounge on her flank. Robinkit cuddled closer to her mother's milk warm belly. “ Squirrelkit opened her eyes this morning.” SmallTail remined her. “ Also mine pretty much opened their eyes when they were born!” The she cat stirred around in her bedding. “ Briarkit and Fawnkit are natural warriors!” A purr rumbled in a third she cats throat, “ We all know no kit can compete with yours!” PoppyFur teased softly. A small tail swiped Robinkit's side. Squirrelkit! Robinkit paws back with annoyance, crawling closer to her mother. “ Come on, Robinkit!” Squirrelkit hissed in her ear, excitedly. “ There is so much to see! Everything is amazing just open your eyes! ShadowMoon won't let me till you open your eyes!” Squirrelkit pawed her again. “ Dearest Squirrelkit, Your sister will open her eyes when she is ready, don't force her to.” ShadowMoon chided. Yes, when I'm ready! Robinkit agreed silently. Waking, Robinkit felt her mother's wavy fur rub against her. Squirrelkit was snoring loudly in her ear, twitching away Robinkit crawled farther. In the distance she heard Briarkit and Fawnkit chattering. “ You be the mouse, I'll be the warrior!” It was Briarkit who was ordering. “ I don't think so!” Fawnkit complained. “ I was the mouse last time!” “ No!” “ I was, you Lair!” A snap of teeth broke out, squeeks of defence came from the two. “ Hey! Watch it!” Hissed a ferious warrior crossly, he silenced the kits for a moment. They must of hit him. “ Fine, you be the warrior.” Briarkit huffed, “ But I bet ya can't catch me!” The kits voices became fainter by the second. Robinkit crawled, trying to stand. The new leaf breeze brushed her pelts. The smell of her father filled the air, it covered the old mossy smell. Joy filled her, she wanted to be the best warrior ever! For the first time, she stretched open her eyes, scanning the room, blinking against the shafts of light that pierced through the brambly roof. The nursery was huge! When it was all dark, it seemed so small and so cozy, but now she could see the brambles high over head and the roots that free through the sides. Looking around she saw PoppyFur, her fur was red ish brown and she knew it was her because she smelled different from SmallTail and ShadowMoon. There wasent a milk scent to her, she didn't have her kits yet. Looking beside PoppyFur she squinted her small eyes to see Smalltail, her darker black/green was almost invisible, curled in a ball her nose tucked under her tail. The brambles matched her fur except the small white on her ears and tip of her tail. The most familiar scent of all came from behind. Robinkit squermed around, Robinkit took a gaze at her mother. Sunshine made ShadowMoon 's black fur tint with silver, she was dappled with darker marks on her back. Her face was narrow and thin, she was slick and thin and her ears were pointed and Fox like. Do we look the same? Robinkit huvered over to her back, she did not look like her. Her fur was red and fluffy, some of her tail was kinda white and her chest had spots on it. Her mother's was slick and smooth not fluffy and soft. Maybe I look like my dad? Robinkit guessed. Squirrelkit was stretched out on her back, her white belly was being shown. She fire red, her tail was fluffy and thick. “ Squirrelkit!” Robinkit breathed “ Mer-oew.” Squirrelkit grumbled, opening her eyes. They were bright blue. Are mine blue? Robinkit wondered. Looking at Robinkit carefully, Squirrelkit Squeeked. “ Your eyes opened!” Squirrelkit leaped to her paws, wide awake. “ We can leave the nursery now!” Robinkit spotted a small hole in the bramble wall, barely big enough to squeeze though it. “ Maybe we can catch up with Fawnkit and Briarkit. Lets go suprise them!” PoppyFur groaned, turning into her side. “ Don't go to far..” She muttered sleepily before tucking her nose in her tail again. “ When will her kits come?” Robinkit blinked at the she cat. “ In a moon or two.” Squirrelkit replied. I'll be big then, She thought, I could train them! When she looked back her sister she was running to the hole in the den. Her body squermed through it, Dust flying through the the air. Scrambling after her sister, she felt a tug on her tail, the nest rusted and a soft voice meowed, “ Where are you going?” Her mother was awake. Robinkit blinked, turning her head facing her. Her mother released her, sitting up taking a yawn. “ Uhm, Outside?” ShadowMoon eyes sparkled with pride and a loud purr rumbled in her throat. “ Your eyes opened!” She sounded relieved. “ It was time.” Robinkit replied, proudly. “ There, Smalltail. You see!” ShadowMoon turned, flicking the dappled queen playfully. She gave a satisfying meow.” I told you she would do it when she was ready.” SmallTail risen giving her paws a lick then swiping it over her muzzle. “ Yes, Yes. Just like her father. She got your crystal eyes though.” She examed. She started licking her chest fur making it smooth. ShadowMoon huffed, happily. “ Anyway!” she flicked her head back to Robinkit. “ Now your going to see the clan?” “ Yeah, Why not?” Robin mewee, “Fawnkit and Briarkit are already out there.” “ Yes but their 5 moons old. Almost apprintices.” ShadowMoon told her. “ They're much bigger then you so they can play out side.” Robinkit opened her eyes very Wilde, “ Is it dangerous out there?” ShadowMoon shook her head. “ No, No! Not in the clan.” “ Then we can go!” ShadowMoon purred then took a sigh, leaning down and licking her on the cheek softly. “ I suppose you must leave at one point.” She leaned over and saw Squirrelkit waiting out side the hole. “ Take care of her.” Robinkit eyes sparkled, She trusts me to watch on her! Robinkit looked up at her mother. Her eyes were sparkling with pride “ Are you coming with us?” “Do you want me to?” Robinkit shook her head. “ No thanks! We are gonna see Briarkit and Fawnkit.” “ Than I shall stay.” Her whiskers twitched with amusment. “ Be back soon. Don't do anything silly. Off you go then.” Robinkit purred then bouncee around and raced out of the den. Robinkit ran as fast as she could. “ Be safe!” ShadowMoon called after them. She stumble, slamming her face in the ground, sunshine stung her eyes. She blinked away the glare, and the camp opened infront of her like a dream. The clearing was a vast, sandy paste that stretched away to a rock that cast a shadow so long it almost touched her paw tips. She saw two warriors sitting sharing a small plump vole. Beyond them layed a fallen tree, it's tangled branches folded on the ground like heaps of skinny hairless legs. Many tail lengths away from the nursery a wide, low bush spread it's branches over the ground. Ferns crowded a corner of the nursery’s other side, and behind them rose a barrier that Robinkit had to crane her neck to even get a glimpse over the top. Excitement fill her. This was her territory! Her paws tingled. Would she ever learn her way? There was no sign of Fawnkit and Briarkit. “ See them?” Robinkit turned and called to Squirrelkit. Squirrelkit was staring around. “ Not sure. Lets go play over there till there back!” She flicked her tail unstable looking branch but with out hesitation jumped on it. Robinkit unsheathed her claws and dug them in the slippery bark. From here, she could see a long way down stream, as far as the bend in the river. He could just get a glimpse of the first stepping stone beyond. And on the far shore, SunRock! It's sheer side shadowed the sparkling water and it's, wide smooth stones shimmered in the light. Robinkit fluffed out her fur. She was probably seen farther then any other kit in the clan! She didn't know for sure though. “ I see Briarkit and Fawnkit!” Squirrelkit Squeeked. “ Awesome!” Turning her body the branch made a horrific notice. Ooof! She rolled down falling in a small hole in the distance. Dust was flying making her eyes sight blurry. Coughing and hacking, she heard the laughter of tiny kits running to her. There she laid flat on her back, weeding and panting for air. “ Nice fall, Robinkit! Ha!” Briarkit teased. “ You should be called Dustykit!” Fawnkit shyly meowed. Robinkit growled at the two kits as a they crowded around him. Only a couple moons older and they loomed over him like
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