Reunion Read Count : 179

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
There was silence when they met after a long time. Well finally the day came when the college reunion was announced. They both thought how they both will have a conversation as it was a long time since they both were seperated, but still they had their chats archived, numbers saved Nd the Facebook picture still have the caption #Friendsforlife #Bestfriendsforever.

On their meeting again they just smiled at eachother and came forward to say hi, but the old group made them seperated again. There eyes still search for eachother. Well in their heart they still want to have there old days back.

The end of the reunion program and still they haven't talked to eachother. Well their eyes speaker out but they both were once again alone and lonely.....

#memories are a part of well being. People come and go but some interesting part of time spend with them is always remembered.


  • Apr 18, 2017

  • Apr 18, 2017

  • Apr 19, 2017

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