Symmetry Chapter 4 Read Count : 114

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
The news shocked me. Was it just the coincidence? Or was it reality? 

The news were stuck inside me through out the hole day. My work, shopping, programming.. It was just there.. All the time and it didn't come out. 

I went to bed later that day and it was about 8:15pm. Usually I go to sleep around 11pm but today I was extra tired. 

Me: I hope I get to see the other part of that dream. 

I fell a sleep really quickly after listening to music on my phone. 

I found my self in that cave.. Again. 

Me: This time, i'm finding and catching that thing I saw last time. 

Not so suprisingly I saw that thing in the same spot standing but... It was.. Closer.. A bit closer.. It looked scary and I could see a bit of it but yet it was unclear what it was. 

As I remember what the old man on the news said, the thing was buff.. It was.. Symmetrical in a way.

By now the dream would end but it didnt this time. So I asked him:

Me: Who are you? 

It didnt respond. Not a single thing. It was quiet and the only thing I could hear was the wind outside. 

The dream has ended once again with a deep inhale. 

Me: Well.. It was a bit of progress at lea--


Me: What was that sound? Did.. Something break down stairs? 

I got dressed and went down stairs to find a family picture on the ground broken.. 

It was something strange about it.. Something WAS on it.. It was black and wet.. Just like in the cave.. 

Me: Could it be? 


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