Girl Trap In A Bubble Read Count : 85

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Well its my first time on this but im just a girl from a small city who's 19 turning 20 next week. And everyday i live in a trap  environment where people are mean and always say nasty things always say im stupid or how fat i am and im a slut and this and that ... And the most funny thing its sometimes my own mother says those things . i really never been the type to mess with anyone. I always got bullied as a kid because i didn't have the best sneakers or clothes. At times. I always thought about killing myself but i never had to balls to do it. I always hope for the best.  And the best did arrive ... His name was jake.   A true Prince in my eyes  It all started back in January we met online and we clicked right away.  He made me laugh and made me felt pretty and very important. I never really had a boyfriend i was always trap inside because of my mother. Ever heard of Cinderella ? Well instead of the glass shoe and going out to a ball til midnight.  This Cinderella has to sneak out .  But before all this happen i always spend time with Jake.  He was 6'8 with blue eyes and a great smile.  I remember he asked me out on date.  I really never went out on date so yes it was my first.  We went to the mall and our very first kiss was in the mall and our favorite store.   Did i go for more kisses are you wondering ? Well , yes.  Yes i did.  After the mall we went off to the the movies and i remember it like yesterday.  Sitting on the chairs not paying attention mostly making out . when the movie was over we sat down and we talked for little i just remembering i wasn't trying to mess up or embarrassed myself but i never had a guy who really liked me.  When he drop me off i just remembering looking into his eyes and getting lost in those blue eyes and feeling those butterflies in my stomach.  I went inside my house.  And i told my parents about him and how much i liked him and he was a great guy.  They was happy for me. But a few minutes went by and he left his phone at the movies. He called me on his mom cell phone and i thought too myself. I messed up so bad. He doesn't like me. Hes lying but then he texted that he found his phone and that's when i knew that was a sign that we was meant too be.  February came but we wasn't together just yet.  If you are wondering if we had sex well the answer is no.  He wasn't like that.  He was a true gentlemen . He didn't want me for just sex he wanted to get to know me.  And this generation its hard to find people like that.  But it was my mom birthday dinner party coming up and yes i invited jake over .  Everyone met him and they said he was tall well of course he was 6'8. But jake wasn't like these guys that i met before he was different. That night was fill with laughter and jokes sitting in the table while eating my mom home made mexican tacos with rice and beans. We played games at my house and it was getting pretty late but jake didn't care he didn't want to leave just yet so he stood later in my house . My mom is just something else. Im 19 and yes i know how to care of myself and whats wrong and right but that night she didn't want to go upstairs to leave me and jake alone in the living.  But i didn't tell jake how my mom was at the time or how rude she can be with me.  So i grab jake and my sister maria.   And we started playing snowball fight because in Pennsylvania it snows in February.  And we stood out just for a little bit longer it got to the point it was almost 2 in the morning and jake was still at my house.  We was on porch just talking and my mom has this things were she creeps upstairs from her bedroom Window to watch and hear me or sometimes my sister.  So me and jake said our goodbyes and of course he said goodbye to my mom.  Later that night i went to bed very happy because who knew i would find love . i always thought i was gonna die alone with 6 cats.   As few weeks went by jake asked me to be his girlfriend on Valentines day. Yes some might say its corny but i didn't think it was corny.  It was just happening so fast that we rushed our relationship but sometimes you have to take the risk.  This is just the first chapter of this diary you haven't heard all of it just yet.  

To be continue .......


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