Love Read Count : 239

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Childrens
Love. Love is a mysterious thing, Do we really kniw what it is. Some people find it hard to find love and cherish it. While some people find it to easy to get and take advantage of it. Some people in the world want to find love early in life so that they know later in life how it feels. And some people want to find love later in life to see what they were missing out on. Right now im in middle shool. Its a lot different than what I thought it would be but in a good way. But in middle school theres a lot more couples. Some have the best relationships and some dont. But I know a girl who goes boy to boy because its easy to find people who like her. But when she gets in a fight with that boy she breaks up with him and she finds another boyfriend. 
My point that I want to prove is that if you  want to find love wait until you find the right person that best fits your personality and your likings and dont take advantage of it cherish it and love that person the best you can.


  • Andrea Reynolds

    Andrea Reynolds

    shout this from the roof tops, more people need to hear it!

    Apr 18, 2017

  • Aloura Fleming

    Aloura Fleming

    i also have a girl in my school who does the same guess there is always ine atleast. im just waiting for the rigjt guy

    Jun 07, 2017

  • Apr 18, 2017

  • Apr 29, 2017

  • May 02, 2017

  • May 06, 2017

  • May 13, 2017

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