SHE 3. Read Count : 83

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
We get to the hospital emergency dept. I take her out of the car, i call out...."HELP! PLEASE! MY GIRLS unconscious!" A TEAM OF DOCTOR'S RUN IN,PLACE HER ON A CART ,AND RUSH HER INTO THE EMERGENCY ROOM." ER ROOM 6"a doctor shouts."check her pulse" nurse" start an ambu bag short breath pumps"yes doctor" the nurse says." i need an i.v line started asap." ok doc!" a medic replys." we need oxygen on this patient"i got it!  I got it!"another nurse says.i see everything flash right before my eyes.i worry if she'll be ok....the only thing i can do is wait! "oh God!please spare tessa!" i pray quietly to myself.
The charge nurse asks me questions, and tells me the police want to, talk with me as to what happened.


  • Diangelo Fairchild......the 3rd.

    Diangelo Fairchild......the 3rd.

    this ain't bad

    Apr 24, 2017

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