Read Count : 134
Category : Stories
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Gudmorning beautiful.”, said Ricø “Goodmorning.” “I’m bout to get on up outta here If yhu want some to eat the kitchen is all yours.”, Rico said before walking out da door. Rico drove to the original spot he's alway posted. “What’s Up nigga!”, said to one of his homies. “Haaaa, What’s Up. It took yo ass long enough to get here.”, said the friend. “I’m here ain’t I?” Just down the street a car was slowly approaching. “Who the fucc is this. Pulling up all slow and shit.”, said rico “Man I don’t even know.” Pnut jumped out the car. “Fucc y’all bitch asses doing on my block!?”, pnut yelled. “Yo block?”, Rico said. “Oooh shyt. Wait ain’t you that nikka that was at the club that other night. Talking to my girl?”, pnut said laughing. “Hahaha, yo girl? She wasn’t saying that when I was fuvking the shyt outta of her last night!”, said rico doing a stroking motion to mock pnut. Pnut got in Rico's face. “Aye man chill out.”, the friend said. Pnut pulled a gun out and point it towards the friend. “This ain’t nun of yo business 4star. Now let me tell yhu gwaap ass niggas to, stay away from my girl, Avalonie or I’ll kill yhu & that bitch.”, pnut said aggressively. “I’m not worried.”, Rico said while lifting his shirt up showing his gun and starring him down. “Hahahaha. I’ll see yhu when I see yo bitch ass.” pnut said while walking away to his car. “What the fuvk was that about?”, asked the 4star. “Some nappk ass nigga.”, rico said while watching his car pull off. Rico didn’t know what was going on with him and avalonie but he wanted to find Out so he decided to play his so called baby gurl avalonie a visit So he called her and told her he was trying slide threw to smoke with her avalonir being the thirsty type without no doubt accept the gesture and was like i got a dutches so come on by Ric as she luv to call him..He went on by her place to smoke and chill. they kick it had a nice time one thing lead to another then they connected on a level were rico felt he was in but the plot thickens...."Sit back ma," Rico said sitting nk the chair said waking up, pointing his gun at her. "Fucc," she mumbled to herself, doing what she was told. "How Nice of yhu to finally wake up daddy did that huh saying sarcastically ' us Avalon niggas know how put it down huh , he came over to her with his hand extended and face for a kiss. Confused, she replied, "whats up with yhu slowly backing backwards. "Why does this nigga always do this eastside crazy shit all the time why i let him know where i stay danm Gurl," she questioned to herself? Rico started fixing his clothes. He was actually pretty good looking. She lied, he was fine as hell. She licked her lips. Before she dated trayball he would have been her type. She took a chance when she talked to trayball. He was ok looking. He couldn't dress until I put him on game. Not rico, his style was on point, clean cut, and had a certain gangsta gentlemen edge about him that made her fond of him. She was definitely not ready for another Chuckie or another trayball so she keep her guard up. "Look I need you to be my partner," rico said putting his gun down. "Your partner," Avalonie asked? "Yea baby gurl, my partner, you knocked off my whole crew," he continued. She think we would make a good team. "What was your plan for the meeting, at the park" rivo asked her? "How did you find me," she asked trying to change the subject? I never planned on an actually meeting; I was hoping to get him off my tail for a minute. "Well the Audi A5 your in is mine," rico replied. I have a tracker on it. I let 4star borrow it because Angel was always in their vehicle. She knew it was impossible for her to ever get another honest paying job. She actually gave Rico's offer to be his partner a thought. "How would this partnership work," she asked rico? "I get a shipment twice a month, I'll give you half to flip in the 50z and yhu gotta maintain the backstreet territory and keep money floating in with them so we can keep money coming threw but you might have problems with the nappks they be sliding threw in and out so yhu gotta be on your toes if yhu need anything call this number he said handing over a card that read '53Gwaapz ANY PROBLEM IS NOT TO BIG OR TO SMALL WE CANT FIGURE OUT..IF WE CANT FIGURE IT OUT WE STILL KEEPING THE MONEY. but she said kinda nerves what i need this for ...he said yhu will know when its time," Rico replied. "Louisiana, how did you know I was going back," she asked confused? How do you know I'm from there? "That's not chuckie phone, that's mine and I have it wired,"rico spoke calmly. knew know you weren't planning on meeting me after you. Told. Ms.divaa you would be on your way first thing in the morning and that is why I am here. "Well I'm glad I didn't fucc that bum," she thought to herself. Lonie baby gurl I'm the real deal," rico spoke. This is my business and my livelihood. I do not play games. I know everything about you already. "What's the catch," she asked Rico? she knew his offer was too good to be true. "You have to let me come with you," he replied. "Well, if you heard my conversation, you know I'm pregnant and I'm going stay with my baby's grandmother," she told rico. "You lost your baby Avalonieand I know you're on the run from those 87k . murders," rico said. You don't have to lie to me. I have budda and Richierich yeah ole boy that be with mary wrapped around my finger. You told Ms.divaa you are pregnant. "What are you going to do when a few months past and you start not to show, rico asked, making a point? "I don't know, I haven't thought that far," she replied. "Ms.divaas is a loose end that should have been handled, rico stated. "What do you mean,"she asked him? "Look here is the plan,"rico said speaking with his hands. Go to the hoovas and stay with Ms divva Keep the phone and the audi, so I can keep up with you. I'll call when my shipment comes in and that's when I need you to tie and murk Ms.divva if you have any problems use the card they will. Handle the money and the rest so that we can start selling. Ms.divaa has to go; she knows too much anyway and she is a liability. She knew rico was right, but damn she treated this lady like a second mom. She always ran to her when trayball use to be on some gang goofy shyt going crazy she use to help and when she had problems. She had to think logic over emotion. "Sounds good," rico questioned? She nodded. She sat back and exhaled. Rico went over by the door. "Where are you going," she asked him? " I know you're hungry," rico replied. rico walked back over to where she was sitting. He leaned over her He grabbed her chin and gently pecked her lips. "I saw you lick your lips at me, you're going to have to pay for that when I get back," he said looking into her eyes......he began to get in his dirtbike as he start his bike up a car pulls up it was pnut '''Avalonie main nigga he spots Rico on the bike and pulls out his gun and shoots rico gets hit falls and was able to reach his gun to fire back now bullets flying every were suddenly they stop the smoke begins to clear. Pnut is down rico is down Avalonie hears the loud noise and runs down the stairs and falls on her stomach fell unconscious with her. under garment bleeding out .........to be continue part 3 I STILL NEED LIKES ON THIS POST FOR PART 3 😩😩😩😩👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾