The Old Man Read Count : 156

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Childrens
There once lived a old poor man.
He was very nice to kids exept the parents don't really let the kids near him.
"One day,everybody will accept me as one,"the old poor man said.So the old poor man went in the alleyes.He collected cans,water bottles,two dropped coins,and candy wrappers.
         The man took all the collections to his box home.It seemed to rain but he didn't care."One day,everybody will accept me," the old man said.The old man set the collections next to his box on the sidewalk.He fell asleep hoping his dream would come true.
           In the morning the old poor man heard bottles and coins dropping.He opened one of his eyes.He saw a chubby boy and a skinny boy both with brown spiked hair.They we're stealing his collections."HEY,DON'T TOUCH THAT,"the old poor man yelled.
        The two boys dropped the collections and ran as fast as they could.The old man laughed of how the chubby boy kept tripping and trying to run.In the bottles he saw money.He was suprised and saw how the two boys left him money.The old man grabbed the money and went to the store.
          He had enough to buy a house.But he bought food first.Then he went to rent a home.He was happy with his new home.Sooner or later he was a very rich man from acting in plays.
           Finally,he let out his life.He was even more famous.He was in his bed at home sooner or later.He prayed to the two boys."Thank you god," said the rich old man.
        "Thanks for everything."

                    The End


  • ....a

    Sep 25, 2017

  • I like the concept, But I dont like how the old man laughed at the boy, I feel like the ending should've been something related to "When he went to get his grocieries he saw the boys" and then add whatever you want

    Sep 26, 2017

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