Best Friends Old Friends And JT Read Count : 120

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Everybody’s looking for that new thing. – Tori Kelly (Nobody Love)

When a person is always looking for something better, then most likely they do not fully appreciate what they already have in their possession.

Material possessions and other objects often lose value over time.

I want to ask this question.

Do you feel downhearted when people are viewed in the same way as an object can easily be dismissed because someone new has appeared? Is the grass really greener in the yard across the street?

I tell you today; there are reasons to justify your friendships. Consider justify in this context. It means you want to have valid proof this person is a friend by reflecting over time just how positive or negative a “friend” affects you.

This is important due to the sheer number of people we bypass every day in person and through the Internet.

We have family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances.

Have they reasonably proven or justified they are your friend? If so, most of us would be happy to acknowledge them not as strangers or acquaintances, but actual friends!

Best Friends Old Friends and Jasmine Thompson II

There are friendships that have accumulated decades of shelf life without becoming stale. If you are a person who craves chocolate on a weekly, if not daily basis, I just don’t think you would voice to anyone, “Chocolate is now stale to me. I never want to taste it again.”

Likewise, a good friend brings vibrant flavors to your enjoyment of life!

Positive knowledge is linked with vitality and growth. Since this is the case, the information below should help us to grow in the area of justifying our friendships in a manner of speaking.

Justify or Claim your Best Friends & Old Friends

Around the 1700s, George Washington stated: “True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.”

He also shared: “Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ’tis better to be alone than in bad company.”

George Washington was a US public official who knew the value of a good friend and the work involved with having the name bestowed upon an individual.  Do you place a high value on friendships? Many dictionaries give good definitions of what the word friend means.  The Bible expresses beautifully “there exists a friend sticking closer than a brother.”  Do I desire to have such friendships?

A good friend is there for you. It is a give and takes relationship on both sides.  Today, you may be down, and your friend will lift you up.  Tomorrow, the roles may change and then you will reciprocate the actions given to you the day before. If you both are down, you still provide empathy for one another.

A good friendship will bring out the best in you. He or she will tell you in a dignified manner when you are wrong, and will provide you the necessary help to be successful.  There is no room for jealousy in the friendship.  If there is jealousy, then you will find that you are a good friend to an individual, but that individual is not valuing their role in the friendship with you.

A good friendship involves genuine love and respect.  You respect your friend’s time, privacy, values, and company. There are times when we have to be more understanding of our friend’s shortcomings than other times.  As friendships grow, there is trust and confidence built into it.  Sometimes a friend may need his or her space.  Your trust, love, and confidence in the friendship will move you to give the needed time or space apart.  All the while knowing this person is your friend, and you will support them from afar. At times, you may still send cards or words of encouragement to let them know you care.  Since this person is a good friend, you will already possess knowledge of what to do most likely in such cases.

True friendship is a valuable possession!  Do you have an abundance of them?  Even if you have only a few, do not despair, one good friend can possess all the love and support needed by you than 1000 acquaintances. Just always remember friendship is a give and take relationship that both parties should whole heartily work at for it to succeed.

Justifying true friendships. Personally, I do not feel like it is a burden. When you mutually value one another on the highest humanity highest of levels, it becomes natural to be a good friend.

Best Friends Old Friends and Jasmine Thompson IV

A video is part of this commentary on Friendship and Jasmine Thompson’s music. Her music engages you on a level that causes you to reminisce and smile. If you shed a few tears when listening to her music, this is okay too. It shows you really care/cared for an old friend. I will write no more, hope you enjoy the video.


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