Into The Woods Read Count : 103

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Travel
Their was a girl and her name was rose and she has poor so she went into the woods by her self and it was dark so she traveled so far she couldn't find her back home so she had to sleep in the woods. She was so scared plus she was only 6 and she was shaking so much. There was a man she stranded and she ran to the man cause she thought it was her dad the man grabbed her and said rose is  that you yes said the man who is this I'm uncul relf yes hi what are you doing in the woods getting food  be cause we have no food at home but I went to far and I don't no the way you no the way back uncul yes I'll take you home. Ok just wait a minute I have to grabe my basket ok,ok. We are home we Nock  on the door the parents are like where we're you it's past super and your bedtime. I fond her laying down and she was also crying and shaking.ok thanks relf for bringing her back your welcome anytime. 
                                              This book is by: kierra agdomar


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