Twist Of Fate Read Count : 191

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
Love is a memory of truth, it has no restrictions yet filled with to many complications....

Is it only happening to me am I losing my mind and my heart at once? Damn is it even possible to fall in love and even miss someone to the extend of feeling empty even when surrounded by love? Living the life that many only watch on TV and read on newspaper a fulfilled life born in a worthy family living my dream fame and all. My fate twisted....

Ndaba resident is well built big house of a business man Bhekani the father well he is an amazing father yet firm and takes no nonsense he has two sons Lizwi the eldest lizwi is more like his father passionate about business or should I say he just wanna the the best son bhekan could ever ask for he lives his life by fathers rules an d there's Thabani the Second born unlike lizwi he prefers being himself then being daddies little puppy. He has chosen a different path music and he has done well getting his name out there, last born is Bongy well being the only girl she's a spoilt brat at it best..

Breakfast is served shouted lizwi staring upstairs waiting a little more but thaban doesn't budge finally lizwi joins Bongy and daddy at the dinning table set by doris. Ndaba was already reading his morning paper while waiting for his tea to cool of a little, Bongy having muesli with plain yogurt, passion fruit syrup and fresh strawberries. Lizwi looked a bit worried thaban hadn't made noise all morning no guitar player nor singing, no causing chaos about almost every thing that only happen when he's angry or upset but today nothing had happened all was well when they all went to bed last night. Doris the house keeper had made lizwi some toasted bread, scrabbled eggs with oyster mushrooms and black pepper, onions rings, tomatoe slice slightly fried with butter and a sprinkle of veggie seasoning, lizwi just poured himself pomegranate juice sipping it, is your brother not joining us today questioned ndaba, before lizwi could respond Bongy said he must be working on a new track to wake us with tomorrow, ain't you guys happy to have breakfast at peace ? Gosh! Rolling her eyes with that. Lizwi started eating his breakfast and it was all over yet thabans bedroom door was as cloced as it was. Ndaba grabbed his car key and headed for the door bongy continued sitting down waiting for his brother to drop her off at school. Go and wait in the car lizwi said to Bongy i won't be long, heading up the stairs he knocked at thaban's bedroom door no answer so he tries to open and it wasn't locked so he walked in the curtains at the sliding door leading to the balcony where pulled yet slightly moving so he figured the door was open, Thaban was there still in his boxers and bare chest leaning on the railings staring blankly at the pool he didn't even here lizwi until he rested his hand on his shoulder what is it ? Lizwi ask. Thaban turned to face his brother, why are you disrupting my peace? You such a nag you know that? You just can't leave me alone can, thaban extremely irritated by his brother. Ouch shoot me for caring lizwi said lifting his hand and turning away 

        * * * * * * * * * * * * *
At the Manzini resident Paul is speaking to his P.A over the phone, Zethu a teenager having her breakfast cereal with vanilla flavored milk when daddy was done with the phone he sat down opposite her with a cup of coffee with cream, dad when is azanda joining us I really miss her cried zethu. Your sister is stubborn zethu she won't listen to any one anymore  replied Paul taking a deep breathe looking away as if thinking of something after a slight pause he continues only if she knows my angel only if she knows... Forcing a smile to his face, anyway I have to go, Lizzy (calling out to the house keeper) please make dinner for my princess I gonna be running late today. No daddy I'll order pizza or something said zethu staring at her daddy whom was already heading for the door he turned and looked at zethu and smiled in agreement of her request then continued with his journey. Manzini is a little cubby man of his early fourty not a health freak but very cautious of it, he Loves his family. They own a organizing company called Manzini Funky Functions. MFF is a luxury all in one organising company offering almost every thing from décor, catering and everything in between. It has it very own fashion designers, hair stylist, make-up artist, with all this and excellent service the payment also matches. Paul Manzini have two daughter's Zethu the lively one and Azanda a little uptight and to serious in zethu's views. Azanda is a wonderful being in general whom her own passion is music but ended up in family business cos daddy never saw music as a career. Azanda has always has this love for expressing herself in music as she grew Paul realized her daughter was not gonna be what he wanted he had to snap her back to reality. Music is a hobby sweetheart there is no way you can make a proper living just by walking semi naked in front of people and performing. He had once said. You think you will be living this kind of life have I been a singer? No! His voice was polite yet his expression firm. Azanda has never been the one to argue with her parents. All we do is for your best mother had told her at some stage 


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