Mental Evaluation Required Read Count : 81

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Sept 23, 2017, 5:59 PM:
Dotard Don tweeted: Iran just test-fired a ballistic missle capable of reaching Israel. They are also working with North Korea. Not much of an agreement we have!

All of this drivel has been determined to be total lies. If anyone in government or the press put out such blatant, inflamatory lies, they would be fired from their job. But when the so-called president does it ... nothing happens?

Time for some sober reflection. The intent of these fallacious words can only be intrerpreted in one of two ways. Fake president is either mentally unstable, incompetent to hold office or he is intentionally trying to provoke war, likely to divert attention from the impending doom of Mueller's Russian investigation.

Either way, Fake President is proving to be a security liability for our nation and the world at large. The Republican Congressional leadership needs to take immediate action to quarantine  this dangerously careless man from the nuclear codes until a complete mental evaluation can be completed. Not doing this now would be nothing less than dereliction of their duty. Contact your Senator and Congress person to make sure this evaluation takes place. Otherwise, a needless war is on the horizon.


  • Sabri Husibi

    Sabri Husibi

    I agree , we do have President unstable and need some action

    Sep 30, 2017

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