Stone Heart To Free Heart Read Count : 124

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Comedy
At a city in multishroom there where happy king people giving away gifts to other kind people one of the kindesst people out of them all got a gift for the person theye call STONE HEART he cared about know one he never gave anything after he was abbended in a box on a wet cement floor after he grew up people tessed him for being grey unlike the others theye where a bright neon colour. The mushroom person whent up and knocked on the dark oke wood door 'KNOCK KNOCK' the door opened slitlye and with the most horride noise ever she herd "who dare disturb me why i bite me icky roe nails" the horride stone heart asked. "Its me fiary pluff im here to give you a gift" fairy pluff tolled stone heart."A GIFT FOR ME HOW WONDERFULL NOT GET YOUR SPARKLEY OLD GIFT AWAY FROM ME". "But i want you to geel loved". Fairy puff replyed. "Fine come in" and with a click of the glash she saw a old man dying from unhappyness " ahh you look like a old scrunched up baby diper with rotten doo doo" fairy pluff said stairing at the toe nail on the side od his mouth.


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