The Nekos Part 1 Read Count : 175

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
A long time ago,in Getra,there lived two cat like gods (nekos.)One,the northern god the other the southern god.The northern god has gray,short,smooth fur with white stripes opon the gray voied of her left leg and right arm she also had eyes as goldern as the sun thay looked like thay could kill a man.Unlike,the southern cat god she had ginger fur with brown stripes on her right leg and her left arm she had green eyes as green as rare emeralds. Thay was always at war,there was always a battle to see who was stronger ever since thay were kittens.Thay did have other siblings like the east and west  (thay were boys)thay had another sibling but he fall.He fall into the human world -if u fall into the human world u have no chance going back-now he goes to a high school in Taceya,also he doesn't remember that he is in the family of the North, South,East,West he is now called Ren.


  • Apr 17, 2017

  • Apr 17, 2017

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