Bound By Nothing
Read Count : 223
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Everyone has a sob story. I’m not putting it down, I’m just stating the facts. We’re human. We have hardships, disagreements, fall-outs, and misfortune. And at some points in our lives; we all experience misery. It’s not sad, it’s just life. And the sooner we come to the understanding that life isn’t perfect; that our self- prophesized utopia is nothing but an unreachable vision, the sooner we can break out of it all. But I can never break out of here. And trust me, I’ve tried. The fact that these cold, stone walls contain me used to absolutely exasperate my former, younger self. But these days they seem more like the marble slates they are. Am I growing up? I don’t notice. But I do notice I think a lot more now than when I was a toddler. I used to not care how old I was. But now I do. Because I’m almost fourteen; the legal age in the Konrad castle for the heir to begin his rule. And when I turn fourteen, I will no longer just be contained. But I will also have heavy metal shackles bound to my wrists, and the heavy burden which is my crown will then and forever be perched upon my head, straining me from seeing anything but my doubts and faults. I don’t have a sob story yet. But maybe I will in the future. I sincerely hope not.
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