To See My Reflection Read Count : 104

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

Chapter one Why?My name is Addlyin I am 16 and before I was born my mother got sick with me and almost lost me and the only option was the most unique flower in the world a zimilla flower BUT they were impossible to grow. Intill the the town witch figured out how to make one she had a whole garden full of them. My poor family not having anything offered a crystal for her witch stuff. The witch being offended said no and turned away. My father wouldn't take no for an answer and he would always come up with an idea to offer the witch. But it never worked. Then one day my father was so fed up that he stole a flower from the witch. Because the flower was all my mother needed she lived and of course me a beautiful baby girl was born and of course most people say there beautful but there really ugly but the witch cursed me and my mother. I was cursed with beauty and now that's not a curse but also to never see my reflection and your thinking so I can deal with that but in pictures no one can see my reflection in mirror no one can. But that is not the only curse I can't live a normal childhood. Everything I do is a disaster. The curse on mother or that used to be on my mother is or was after I was born she had 4 years to live. She died on my 4th birthday. But 2 years after I was born something happened. My mother found out her mother who was long lost was the queen of bidyburg a small kingdom and she had died. So that ment she was the new queen and I was the princess. 2 years later she died. My father was king. Anyways I lived a normal kid and teen life (alone). I had no friends but that was ok. Chapter 2 life as AddilynIt'd been 12 years sencie my mother had died. I went to bidyburg high school as princess of disaster. This boy thinks I'm cute. He happens to be true most popular boy. Did I forget to mention that when I meet my true love the curse will be broken? Everyday I wonder what I look like and when will things be good agian. But thats only if its true. I mean l I've been like this for Fourteen years I hate my life. You'd think with a face like mine I'd at least have one friend. Not one, I mean I have a few enimes if that counts. I love coming home after school and getting to eat a full meal 6 times a day pluse 5 snack times a day I love it. But today at lunch my dad said "We need to talk". In my head I thought oh no. A thousand butterflys came out and moth.We sat down and my father said.... To Be continued....


  • Hannah Rose

    Hannah Rose

    so cool

    Sep 25, 2017

  • Noey Bugg

    Noey Bugg

    thank you

    Sep 25, 2017

  • Keep up the good work!

    Dec 16, 2018

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