NO YOU DON'T! Read Count : 118

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Politics
"Ella its almost dinner!"I did I had ignored my parents that night I was very upset about my break-up at school so I was taking a break."NO I'm not hungry!!"said Ella. So I have special powers hard to leave  but I do so at school I went up to a light post and I touched it I felt like slight shock and fell backwards so I knew there had to be something and then when I was at home I accidentally shocked everyone when I was touching them I kind of like electrocuted them. And I never knew this until 5 days later and I shocked everyone and then lightning came out of my hands at the lake by my school I knew there was something wrong with me there I haven't told my parents yet so be sure to keep it a secret so I'm inside most of the time trying not to hurt anybody so yeah and that's why I'm not going downstairs for dinner or anything so like maybe I can try and see what can help me."Ella I'm not kidding come on NOW!!"said Ella mom. Hard to believe a teenager that has powers but yeah you can believe me I never tell a lie anyway let's see what has been happening so far I'm thinking about it.... So I had this boyfriend and he literally just broke up with me so I'm trying to get over there guys don't tell me mom or dad I'm  sneak out to shhh anyway the end for now.....


  • is fine

    Sep 24, 2017

  • Erica D

    Erica D

    please consider changing your category and subcategory. this is neither non-fiction nor politics

    Sep 24, 2017

  • Jared DeMoss

    Jared DeMoss

    I am sorry to hear that.

    Sep 24, 2017

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