Read Count : 168
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
The customers come in hungry! "WELCOME TO THE CHICKEN SHACK ! CAN I HELP YOU?"yes! what's the special today?"she asks ....she a petitte lil lady sbout in her 30s."well maam your in luck!...just s o happens,we have a new recipe special on the menu today...its spinach fried chicken!!" hmmmm.. how is it?" maam! when i heard the name of it...i was kind of leary! BUT WHEN I TASTED IT!! WOOO WEE! IT WAS PLUM GOOD! maam!"ok! im sold!" she said.she ordered,5 spinach chicken with fries n buscuits." "is that for here maam or to go?"i ask..to go!" she says. i ring up her order,popeye cooks ,n we both bag the food. "That I'll be $ 30 cash or credit?" she gave me the exact amount ."THANK YOU ! and have a great day" the group of 5 leave. i look back at popeye in the kitchen and ask him..."HOWS IT GOIN BACK THERE?" i ask him.."i hear a voice that sounds like as if someone is clearing their throat!"OOOKIEEE!" popeye says.next comes in a bunch of fishermen from off the lake."HI YA GUYS! CAN I HELP YA?" I SAY.." WE SERVE THEM the spinach chicken meals! all had the special SPINACH CHICKEN AND MASHPOTATOES N GRAVY WITH SPICY RICE AND SWEET TEA! " hey! this is a good place ya got here!"one of the guys say! "HEY! THANKS!"i tell em. "AND COME AGAIN!" BY THIS TIME LOOKS LIKE,THE MONEY'S COMIN IN! MORE...IN CHAPTER 8..COMING SOON!
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