Tales Of Calnopy Part 1 Read Count : 111

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
The sunlight gazed throw the broken window of the mansion, dust shattered glass and more were lying on the marble floors. In that place lived a rich family. The owner of the mansion called Lord Calnopy. He was the descendent of a the king of Wellblur. With the blueberry bushes, the snow-covered hill tops, and the delicious juicy apple trees, the home of the Wellblur king. The family of Lord Calnopy was composed of Maria Calnopy  (the mother), Bastion Calnopy  (there son) and tow precious twin daughters Agnes and Cynthia. The destruction if the mansion left the Calnopy family broke, so they ran far away. The cause of there escape was the shame that came over Lord Calnopy. Now they are somewhere we do not know of or do not speak of in Wellblur...


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