Fighting A Never Ending Battle Read Count : 92

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
A knock at the door at 10:00 am. Who could it be? I wasn't expecting anyone.  The dogs barking wildly at the door as the knocking continued.  I slide out of bed to find out who is beating on my door. I crack it open enough to see a man holding a badge standing in front of me trying to push his way in the door.  May I help you? I  ask coldly. Yes ma'am I am here to speak with you about your children. We have had received a report that the children here are being abused and neglected.  Well I am sorry to inform you you will not be entering my home. If you want to speak to me speak. Otherwise get off my property.  The questions roll out of his mouth. Accusing me of crap lies all because I turned in a man for having sex with my 14 year old daughter. What a joke.   Ma'am are there drugs on the property??? What kind of fucken question is that sir?  Do I look like I do drugs? I snap at him while he stands there tumbling threw his papers,.  Look Mr.  I don't do drugs, my kids are far from abused and hard to neglect someone when you are all they know or have.  Then you won't ming taking a drug test...he quickly questions as he pulled out his drug test?    I don't care test me. I'm not on drugs.  20 minutes go by and he begins to gather all his paperwork up on this.   Weeks go on with not a word from anyone. Forgetting all about the man and continue my life. At the hospital doctors are bout to pull the plug on s good friend.   Phone starts ringing uncontrollably. Hit ignore 3 times and I they continue calling back.  So I leave the room and answer the phone.
Yes may I help you? Yes ma'am it's CPS we need to speak with you right away. I am sting out side your house would you  mind coming to the door so we may handle this issue please.  Well for starters I am not at home. I am at the hospital. What do you want now?  Mrs Brooks you have came back positive for methenpntomines, and we need to sit down with you and come up with s servicepe  plan so we can keep your children safe.outraged I begin screaming bull shit. Will you please meet me Make a plan So we can protect you kids. Sure herw meet!?2 At this location.  I text him my counselors address and he agrees. Fury rage boils in my skin as I reach his office. how dare he accuse me of this bull shit. My counselor goes over the results and informs the man I. On medication that will come back positive. After 45 minutes of going back and forth he refuses to believe the counlor and draws up a service plan saying my children and I will attend Counceling weekly. And that I must locate someone to call and speak to the kids weekly. We all sign it and leave.  I do as the plan says. Hear nothing more from the man. 


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