Dogma Syndrome III: The Final Fight Read Count : 253

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Science Fiction
          The Final Fight: Triquil to.      Dogma Syndrome
       Chapter One: Out With the Old and In With the New

       Susan gives the signal and Alice opens fire first. As Susan runs towards the places she planned on, the floodlights do a 360 and almost spotted Susan making the run. She ducked behind a pile of rubble. After a second to catch her breath she springs out and darts towards the fence placed by the Outsiders. She climbs it almost with ease, lands on her feet and charges towards the giant wall that hold there god. She reaches the wall in a matter of minutes without being noticed. She plants the charges about quarter way up it and moves to the next wall. 
    "Alice and Devonne, can you hear me?" "Yes Suzie, loud and clear." "This is Devonne now, you have multiple reincarnated heading your way." "Ok Devonne and Alice I want you guys to retreat." Suzie what are you saying?" "This is farewell Alice." "You can make it Susan I know you can." "This is Susan Devonne, stop you know I can't make it out of here." "Look Devonne; Alice if anyone asks tell them that I was killed by the Outsiders, this way it is believable." "But Suzie I----" "Alice Susan has made up her mind, the most we can do is turn and make our leave." "But Suzie Devonne she---" " No buts Alice, Susan wanted it this way." "Thank you Devonne, Alice I'll see you in the next life my friend." Susan shuts off her radio before anything else could be said. Susan begins to sing a little melody as she walks towards the gate to open it for the reincarnated. "Oh, how sweet the sound tis' it be, the sound O' silence sounds so sweet to me..." She opens the gate. "Now my brothers and sisters come embrace me and become one with our god." The infected charge through the opening and break down the fence enveloping Susan in a mass of the dead. No words were uttered such is the sound of silence. The only thing heard throughout the dead and silent city was the sound of the explosives being set off immeadiatly after Susan was swallowed up by the infected.
     Alice turns towards the sound sheds one tear and moves towards the sewers, her, Devonne's, and Susan's home. Meanwhile two days travel away. "Commander sir, the barricade was destroyed." "Yes I noticed private, what the hell happened this time?" "Well sir, a cult group, who worship the infected and behemoth, known as the Outlasters have sabotaged the barricade with what seems to be improvised explosives." "So private, it seems we have a bunch of assholes, who worship our bioweaponry?" "It appears so commander." 
      "Have you found there location they crawled back into private?" "No sir commander, but I have sent out a team to recon there suspected locations." "Excellent private we will crush this rat underneath us." 
           In the same area different sector, Dr. Coroner, being able to escape the lockedown facility, is coming up with a cure, no one knows about, while she is forming another strain. " Dr. Coroner, how is the strain coming along?" "It coming along slowly commander sir." She tucks away the almost complete cure formula. "Excellent Coroner notify me when it is completed." "Yes sir commander." 
       The commander leaves the room to return to his office. Dr. Coroner pulls out the cure formula. "Ok lets see, I need to take sample 2569 and mutate it into the previous sample,1372." She does so and nothing happens. "Damn another bust." "How hard is it to fix this strai----." Dr. Coroner looks at a lab picture of a rat being treated via injection with an influenza shot. "That's it!" "All I have to do to fix the problem is, recreate the old strain and use it on another old strain." Dr. Coroner whips up the old strain sample, in record breaking time no less, and injects another old strain sample into it. The strain seems to dissipate and disappear in only a matter of seconds. "I've done it." "By God I have done it, i found the cure to Dogma Syndrome." " Now all I have to do is place into a mass spreading device." As Dr. Coroner figures out a way to spread the cure over the country, Alice and Devonne have made there report.
     Chapter Two: Hell To Pay
       "Devonne, Alice tell me how was the mission?" "Well Andrew you see, Susan...Susan---" Alice begins to choke down her tears and pain she feels inside. "Devonne, what is going on with Alice?" "Well sir, Susan gave her life for the sake of ours and Alex, and our god." "I see Devonne, Alice this should be nothing to mourn about, she is with our brethren, the reincarnated." "I don't give a damn what you or Devonne says!" "I can't live with the fact that Susie gone!" Alice burst into tears. "Devonne can you please take Alice to her room?" "Yes sir I will." "Thank you Devonne." Devonne leaves the room with Alice hanging onto him. "What a nuisance Alice is I swear that kid will never learn anything." One of Andrew's operatives turns to say something. "But sir you have to understand, Alice was basically raised by Susan." "I know that Corey but now is not the time to mourn, now is the time to hit the Outsiders at the center, their heart." "How do you suppose we do that sir?" "Well you know the helicopters and planes we have?" "Yes sir, wait....sir that is a suicide mission and you know that." "I don't care Corey we have to end this once and for all!" "Ok sir I'll follow your orders 'till the end." Andrew gets ready to make a public announcement to his followers while back where the commander and his lackey reside... 
      "Commander, we have located their hideout." "Excellent private I'll send an airstrike." "Sir I'm afraid that won't work." "How so private?" "The group that call themselves the Outlasters, live underneath the city in the sewers." "Ok Johnson, I will simply send in a heavy infantry team." "What about the infected sir?" "I'll place the orders to shoot to kill." "Excellent sir, I will send them to our troops." "Alright private, I'll go give Dr. Coroner a visit." Dr. Coroner all the while is trying to plan a way to spread the cure across the toxicated city. "Dr.Coroner!" "Tell me how is my best doctor today?" "Excellent commander just excellent, almost completed the recreated strain." "Even greater news to here doctor." "Yes it is sir." " Well in about two days my troops are going to enter the infected city and take care of the Outlasters, while they're away I want you to finish the strain, if it isn't done in two days you can forget about researching anything new, my scientists will take over where you left off." "Is that clear doctor?" "Clear as mud sir." "Alright I expect to be done, good luck doctor." "Thank you sir." 
      The commander leaves the room. "Son of a bitch." "Only have two days to spread this damn thing." "Maybe I could stow away on the plane if I buy off a guard." "Best chance at success I guess." Dr. Coroner packs up the cure, some valuables, and a gun for the long ride to the city that used to be Manhattan.
     Two days later. "Commander sir we are ready to fly." "Excellent private, let's take it to those bastards. Meanwhile, about two days travel away, "Andrew we are go, ready to fly." "Alright take down the Outsiders I want every last one of them destroyed, leave nothing behind." "Yes sir!" "Alright my fellow Outlasters, I wish you best of luck."
      Now back to the Outsiders. Dr. Coroner is making her presence unknown, as she boards a carriercraft. "Well I certainly hope this cure works." "If not, then we shall be doomed." Everyone is at each others throats, one side wants bioweaponry, the other to leave everything as it currently is. Who shall win this war between factions? Or? Will Dr. Coroner successfully spread the cure and stop everything? The next chapter is about to begin.
       Chapter Three: The Final Fight
      Inside of the carriercraft holding Dr. Coroner, the pilots talk amongst each other on the CB. "Stormfire, this is Detra53 how goes it?" "All good Stormfire, how about you Deltahelix?" "All good here." And on down the line the pilots of asking everyone if the ride is going smoothly. Dr. Coroner doesn't think so however. "What the hell is in this box, a stack of bricks?" "Oh great explosives, just great." "Well I guess I should get some sleep, forty eight hours till we reach Manhattan and i have to sleep so I don't get tired." As Dr. Coroner beds for the night, about forty hours away, the Outlasters make their approach upon the Outsiders base. Also asking how goes it for there pilots. "So forty hours until we get there he Devonne?" "Yeah, you might want to get some shut eye Alice." "Alright Devonne, I will." They both heard something rustling from behind the cargo. "Devonne?" "What was that Devonne?" "I don't know Alice, I'll take a look." Devonne sets the plane on autopilot leaves his seat and grabs a pistol. He inches towards the rustling behind the cargo, ready for anything. He whips around the giant cargo box, pointing his gun. "Hey, woah point that somewhere else Devonne!" It is Alex. "What the hell Alex, you just about got shot, Alice it's okay it's only Alex." "Alex?!" Yeah, he must have snook onto the plane while we were fueling it up." "Alex you do know this is a suicide mission right?" "Yes Alice i realize that, but I prefer to not be eaten alive." "Get out of there kid, you don't need to be in the damn cargo." "Okay Mr. Devonne." Alex rolls his eyes and gets up to walk to the front. "So Alice, Devonne, where are we headed to?" "About two days travel from here Alex, we'll know it when we see it." "So you have no clue Alice?" "Yeah that is about right Alex." "Great, just great you know this is the worst plan Andrew has ever made right?" "We aren't here to agree and disagree with him Alex, we are here because of Susan." "Yes Devonne, I know that already, she gave her life to save ours." "That is right Alex and we plan to repay that in full." "So what are you gonna do then Alice?" Alice looks at Devonne and Devonne nods. "We are going to bomb the hell out of the Outsiders base, then storm it and kill everyone." "Nice plan Alice, can I tag along?" "Now Devonne looks at Alice and Alice nods after moment. "Yeah Alex you can but be warned it is going to be a dangerous mission." Yes Devonne, I knew this already, now we need some sleep ok?" Alice and Devonne agree and they all take there time to sleep. 
       I made an error there is yet another book that I assure you is the final fight. To be continued...


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