The 5 Meowscatears
Read Count : 112
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Childrens
The 5 cats went off on there missionn but somethings went a little wrong. "you shall not pass" said the big frog. The meowscatears snuck passed him in a twist and a twirl. "you shall not pass" said the witch. They jumped and ran all hiting there heads on the wall. They went through a cave and one of them lit a torch and they stubbled around. They all got out of the tunnel and huge legs were in front of them. "fee fye foe fum i smell a cat." they ran through his legs and up the bean stalk. "hurry fast we cant be late." mickey commanded. They went faster and faster, the giant went after them. When they made it to the cloud they went inside the castle. They hid in a box of food. "fee fye foe fum still smell cats." he claimed. Ran out of the box and the giant saw them. "i knew i saw some cats. I'll get'em!" he put his fist down and almost smashed them. They got out and the giant followed them. Down the bean stalk and headed to the house. The giant slid down and the beanstalk calasped And he hurt his back. "haha you fool you've been defeated." they said