Missing That Place... Read Count : 144

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
every people knows that kids can see things that adults thinks its only an imaginations and made the kids believe that everything in just an imaginations because of that, things that kids saw will only limited to that age cuz when people growing up, they stop in believing. 

But until now, i still believe they existed. 

i'm 23 years old. but i will tell you a story about when i was little that i accidently enter a world of fantasy world that anyone would want to go. but it was only few second.  even if its for only for that few second i will not forget and will never forget what saw and what i met back there. maybe people will think im crazy, well im okay with that. because the thing i met that time was not just a being. 

Everyone knows what that being is. it was call "legendary being", "a myth", "firebird" and many more things... i look it up in the internet once more, i finally found what it is. i have always wanted to see it again, beautiful different colours, elegant, unreachable being...

i will not forget... 


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