Testing. Are We There Yet? Read Count : 157

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
 Hi, I'm new to this app! This file is only really to test it out, things like space between letters and other minor mechanisms.
 Well this is a bit awkward... If you've read this far maybe you're actually expecting some sort of story or something, but really this is just something I wrote for myself.
 Maybe a joke will make this better... I've got one, it's not actually mine but it's worth telling.
 A mom bat starts a competition between her sons to see who can suck the most blood in the least amount of time starting from their cave.
 The first bat child leaves the cave and comes back after 10 seconds. The mother looks at him and says: "Wow, that was fast! Where did you go?" He answeres: "Do you see that wall over there?" Yes I do, mom replied. There was an old man standing behind it, I went around and sucked his blood, said the little bat.
 The second son left the cave and came back in 6 seconds. The mother looks at him and says: "Wow, that was fast! Where did you go?" He answeres: "Do you see that wall over there?" Yeah, mom replied. There was a couple walking behind it, I went around and sucked both their bloods, said the child.
 Finally the third bat leaves the cave and comes back in 2 seconds. The mother looks at him and says: Oh my! That was very quick and your face is covered in blood. Where did you go? He says: Mom, do you see that wall over there, do you? Yes sweety, I see it, mom answered. I didn't, he replied.

 Well, I hope you've enjoyed whatever this was. Have a good one!


  • Joyce Sims

    Joyce Sims

    i like it

    Sep 21, 2017

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