Love Leave Me Read Count : 294

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
One couple who love each other a lot. They don't want to die because they want to live with each other. No problem can hurt them because they are able to solve every  problem together.

Their engagement was over and they have decided to marry.The boy has to go to foreign for some project work.Both r worried how they will stay without each other.They exchange their engagement rings so that they can feel each other.The boy kissed at girl's forehead and they told bye each other.
In this way both were busy in their life and 1 month completed.Now the boy came back to the girl and both were very excited for their marriage.

They left from home to temple for marriage.In the temple both submit their engagement rings to the God because now they will always be together so no need of these rings. 
They have completed their marriage and return back to their home by the car suddenly a bus hited  the car.

By the accident both passed away.They can't able to live the life together but their hearts will be always connected together.

Engagement rings r connected by heart .Their engagement rings are in the temple so God will help them to meet each other in their next life...


  • Jared DeMoss

    Jared DeMoss

    Great start

    Apr 16, 2017

  • KavithaVivek G Nath

    KavithaVivek G Nath

    super pic..lines and good beginning. .continue dear

    Apr 18, 2017

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