My Story
Read Count : 105
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Hi I'm kyra. This is my story of my life. Some names will be change. Well let's get started it all about me. Chapter 1 I was born in corry p.a. on September first. I was born at 32 weeks . My mom didn't want me she. She told grandmother she was going to it me up for adoption but my grandmother told her she would take me. Like that I came home from the doctors with my gramma. Had a great first year it was just my gramma and papa n me. We did everything together. My second year wasn' mom had two kids me n my older brother Jake. She told my gramma she was pregnant with a boy that was the last time I seen her. Till i was 3 n a half years old my mom n my gramma where fighting my mom had my brother his name was Dickson. Well she was going to away for the summer n want to talk me with her my gramma didn't want me going. But she won n I want with her i found out my mom was pregnant again but she was only 3 month. Why we were there she misdcarid and it end a month after we left n I want back to my gramma but they started fight so my mom got to have me on the weekends. A coupler month later she was pregnant again . She had her her name was Jose. Now I'm 4 now n my mom was pregnant again n she was fighting with my step dad about stupid stuff then one night he killed himself๐ข๐. I was the last person to see him I was sleeping next to him that night. But six days after his death my mom was with someone else she didn't care about anyone not even her kids or the baby she was caring. She started drinking n doing drugs. My sister was born she was going to be name after her dad but my mom boyfriend had her change it to Alex. Chapter 2 my mom moved in with her boyfriend it was good for a little bit. I'm 5 now I still life with my gramma n seeing my mom on the weekend. Well one weekend my mom couldn't take me so I stayed at my aunts new house. I was getting ready to go to bed n let just I was laying in that bed and my cusion came in n raped me . He told me he would hurt me if I told anyone so I didn't. It started happing every weekend when my mom couldn't take me. Me I prayed every time I was there he won't come in but he did then my gramma got a job at night so I stayed at my aunts new house n every night I got raped. I was to cared to tell anyone. It my six birthday party I was at my gramma house in my room when he came into my room n raped me. Then left n I stared crying. I just want it to end. Chapter 3 I'm 7 years old I'm moving in with my mom bc my mom n Gramma started fight about it n on the weekend I started going to my gramma. On the weekend I was being raped n on the weekday beat on. I told myself it was bc I was a bad kid n I wasn't what anyone want n I was worthless. I met my dad i was tild i had to life with him bc of i was getting beated on . Now i 8 and found out he raped my cusion his sister bell n she was scared of him two. Well I was feeling like it happen bc of me. I hated myself but that year I met my best friend mason she was so great at school I was happy but then at home I was ok ig I hated myself. My dad didn't love me my mom didn't love me n my siblings well didn't see then but on the weekends . Chapter 4 I'm 10 now he stop raping me but my mom boyfriend beat on me still. And one on cared to help me. Every time he chocked me n no one helped Every time be hit me or locked my in my Room or didn't let my eat. Well I'm 11 my dad get with my step mom she so nice to me n I like her but scent everyone esle leaved me so I didn't want to get to close but I did n about a year after they got toghter I finely told someone about me being raped but it was hurt I cried a lot. That year he moved back in corry I was scared to go to school well I'm In 6th grade n I seen him at school.i got panic attack Every time I seen him I was getting bullied at school a lot n my best friend moved I had no one so I started cutting again n just want to kill myself. At the end of school year my bff moved back.I'm 13 now new school year the panic attack got worst by the days. I was still cutting I just want to died I want to give up I didn't have a reason to life but then I met him he made my life great made smile I feeled loved n I fell inlove with him n he did whatever he could to see my be happy. Now I'm in 8th grade I'm happy n with the person I love ๐๐. So I'm happy now