Dogma Syndrome Read Count : 243

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Science Fiction
                 The Dogma Syndrome
     Chapter 1:The Dogma Syndrome
       The Dogma Syndrome. To be simply put, it attacks the brains neuro system that allows you to process what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. Touch being most of all. 
       Subjects who gain Dogma Syndrome, show signs of symptoms within minutes of being exposed. Dogma Syndrome can be spread by air, water, and bodily amenities. People who see someone with the symptoms, should immediately call law enforcement. 
     Symptoms of Dogma Syndrome are, losing a train of thought consistantly, fever, loss of hearing, loss of balance, consistantly blacking in and out, and feeling like everything touched is sharp and causes immense pain. If any of these symptoms occur, seek medical attention immediately.
     "Hah." "What a waste of time." "Don't they know how useless it is to put up flyers?" "Stupid government, doesn't know how to let it be." 
       "Hell, I bet they are the ones to blame for this virus." "What do you say about this Eric?" "I say to let it go Sarah." "You damn well know, that the world we once knew is gone." "You also know, Sarah, that if the government would have caught this virus, we wouldn't be here in the situation we are in." 
     "I don't care Eric!" "It was because of those warpigs, that we have to live each day like its our last." "If it wasn't for the fact that the fear of dehydration and starvation loom over us like flies over a carcass, we would have been dead the first day this all happened." "Did you know that Eric, did you really!?" 
       "Sarah, talk a little lower I don't want to have trouble come our way." "Oh, now Mr. Know-it-all is scared of the wilderness." "Whats wrong Eric, afraid of the thieves?" " The alliance?" " Maybe, Eric, maybe your afraid of the dogma?" "That's it isn't it?" "The people who are infected by the Dogma Syndrome, those plaguespreaders." "That is your fear."

       "Sarah, I said to not talk so--------." *growwwwwllll* "Sarah keep quiet ok?" As they hunker down inside the building next to the pole with the poster, the growling grows closer and closer and closer yet. As the growling reaches there position they were placed at a few seconds ago, the creature stops.

      Sarah and Eric are both just on the otherside of the wall the creature is on. Eric takes a peek over the window sill. He soon regrets it.

      As he hunkers back down, he tries to hold in his scavenged scraps from spewing on the floor. Sarah looks at him as if she has seen a ghost. Eric looks up only to explain with a look that he is fine, just horrified is all. 

       What seems like an eternity of time, finally passes and the creature goes forward into an oblivious trudge, away from the two survivors. After about two minutes of staying still, they finally stand up from behind the window and begin to stretch out the pains.

     "What the hell made you do that Eric?" " Do what Sarah?" "Oh don't give me that bullshit Eric, you know what I'm talking about." "You almost lost your stomach Eric, so what the hell made you do that?" " Look Sarah, I don't know how to explain it the thing I saw didn't look like any Dogma I've seen in my life." 

      "In all honesty Sarah, I can't explain it to you when I don't even know what I saw." "Ok Eric, I'll stop asking you what it is that bothered you so much." "Thank you Sarah."

    Chapter 2: The Evil Within

       Somewhere in the desert. A few days before the spread of the Dogma Syndrome. "Sir, this scientific disease specialist, Dr. Coroner speaking." Sir, we have created a new disease dubbed Dogma Syndrome. 

      "Well, what does it do doctor Coroner?" "Well sir, when we tested it on dogs and cats, they seemed to have lost all control of their bodily functions." "So you're telling me, Dr. Coroner, that this new strain creates mad cow disease?" "No sir, what I'm saying is that the dogs died almost imamediately after being introduced to the disease." "The same thing occurred with the cats as well sir."

        "Well how, Dr. Coroner, do you suppose we will use this as a bio weapon?" "I mean we haven't even experimented on humans yet." Yes sir, I know." " We haven't found anybody willing to try this strain for the greater good of humanity."  "Then, Dr. Coroner, force someone to try it." " Sir, you know that goes, strictly, against our protocol." "I don't care about the damn protocol Dr. Coroner." "I only care about it becoming a bio weapon." 

      "But sir---" "Don't but sir me shit Coroner." "Don't contact me anymore until you have created a bioweapon." "Yes sir." "Coroner, out." *buuuuu* sigh.

       "Why does he have to be such an asshole?" "I'm not here as his toy." "I'm here to complete an experimental disease, which could possibly change humanity." "We could have years of peace if this works out." "Dr. Coroner!" 

      "What do you want Celise?" "It's bad news Dr. Coroner." " The chimps we were experimenting on have mutated." "What are you saying Celise?"

     "The chimps, Dr. Coroner, they have mutated."  "What?" "How did this happen Celise?" "Well, Dr. Coroner, we were just feeding them." "That's all we did was feed them." "Celise, calm down and tell me what happened." 

       "Well, Dr. Coroner, somehow the chimps reopened their doors and attacked David brutally." "One jumped on me, but I threw it into the wall before anything happened." "After that I ran down the lab hallway to find you."
      "This is a section 8 red light 7 lockdown protocol Celise." "Dr. Coroner, what are you saying?" "I'm saying exactly what it means." "That means we are locked in!"
      "We are nothing but food for the bastards." " Celise, can you do something for me?" "I have an idea that might save our lives." "Ok Doctor, I am listening."
      As the two of them plot and scheme up a plan, the military commanders are taking steps towards concealing the whole problem. One way or another.
     Chapter Three: Extreme Measures
         A few weeks later. "Commander Rodriguez, we have found the source of the viral outbreak." "Excellent private Johnson, now we can close this case without any commotion." "So ,Johnson, where is the old strain located?" 
         "Well, sir, you see here is the irony of the situation." "The strain seems to be transferring from place to place." "What are you saying private?" "Well Commander, the strain is moving from body to body." "However the body is not an uninfected person, it transfers between the infected." "So what you're telling me private, is it is unattainable?" 
        "No commander." "I'm saying the strain has almost infinite movement." "How do you propose we catch it then private?" "Well, sir that is the issue. "The only way to catch the strain is by eliminating all possibilities of movement." "So, private, you're telling me that we have to eliminate all of the goddam infected within the quarantine zone down to only one?!"
     "No sir." "I'm saying that if we quartined the strain away from the range of other infected, we can obtain it." "Ok private I'm placing the planning underneath your command." "Don't fail this task." " Sir yes sir." 
       To be continued in the second installment of Dogma Syndrome...


  • Gregory Black

    Gregory Black

    could u send a friend invite Anthony thanks

    Jan 24, 2018

  • enjoyable story telling. magnificent

    Mar 01, 2018

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