Hatred & Destruction Of The Soul Read Count : 172

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Hatred has taken men’s souls
And blinded them to the truth
It has pitted them against one another
Made them go to war with one another 
Made them see their friends as enemies

Hatred has made men 
doubt the integrity
of everyone in their vicinity
Wondering when they too
Shall be betrayed

Hatred has taken men’s souls
It has taken the pure of heart
And made them heartless
Hatred breeds hatred
Like a contagious disease
It ruins the lives of everyone it touches

Hatred has taken men’s souls
It makes the happy sad
It makes the sad angry
It makes the angry depressed

Hatred breeds darkness
By slowly destroying the light
Hatred makes the world
a more dangerous place
Leaving in its wake 
A path of destruction

Hatred has taken men’s souls
And it slowly destroys it
Until nothing remains,
But an empty shell of a human being
That is depressed, mean-spirited, and unable to love


  • Anna Sabrina Tate

    Anna Sabrina Tate

    loved this ***

    Apr 22, 2017

  • Apr 16, 2017

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