Diabolix Lovers Maria And Latio Love Story Read Count : 118

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Chapter One - Ayato saves Maria  from Ruki Mukami: 

At Hong Kong,  Japan  Maria  is singing her own lullaby that her mother sang to her. 

" Don't let go  if you stay close to  me ", sang Maria. 

Then,  the window opened by itself, and she gasped, so she closed the window doors. 

" I'm just seeing things ", said Maria.  

Then,  a figure grabbed Maria 's arm and bite it.

" You must be surprised to be bitten ", said Mukami 1.

" Who are you ", asked Maria scared. 

" I'm  Ruki  Mukami I'm vampire," said  Ruki.

 Maria gasped  in horror. 

" Why are you here", asked Maria .

Ruki took off her ribbon from her hair and  was about to put it on her mouth,  but he got punched by another vampire. 

" Hello, Ruki ", said Sakamaki 1.

" Ayato", said Ruki. 

Then,  Ayato picked up Maria and walked towards the Sakamaki's car.

Maria  gasped shaking in fear,  but Ayato grabbed Maria's bangs of her hair  calming her down. 

" You'll be safe with my brothers,  sister,  and I", said Ayato.  1).

Chapter Two - the talk: 
At the Sakamaki's castle, Reiji  is looking over the syrup for healing vampires.

" Reiji,  had you seen Ayato ", asked Kanato.

" I don't know ", said Reiji. 

Then,  Ayato arrived with Maria unconscious. 

" Kanato , I want you and Laito to keep a eye on her in her new room ", said Ayato. 

Kanato carried Maria to her new room. 

" Who is she ", asked Shu.

" She is living with us for now on ", said Ayato. 

Reiji is still  looking over the syrup for healing vampires. 

" Why ," asked Subaru. 

" She's bitten by Ruki Mukami ", explained Ayato. 

Laito came. 

" Why was Kanato carrying a female to a room",asked Laito. 

" You  need to get to the girl's new room for a while ",said Ayato. 

Laito went. 

Chapter Three -  Sakamaki's introduction: 

Around 12: 54 p.m.,  Maria gasped in horror when she saw Kanato bite her to the left leg. 

" Who are you ", asked Maria.

Kanato stopped and look at Maria. 

" You awoken ", said Kanato. 

Maria shooked in horror. 

" Good afternoon,  little bitch", said Laito.

Then,  Maria ran out of the room to the door, but it was locked. 

" Come on open ", said Maria panicking. 

Then,  she saw another boy with orange - ish yellow hair. 

" You're not going anywhere ", said Shu.

Maria pushed Shu away from her , and ran off.

" I must be seeing things again ", said Maria panicking. 

Then,  she tripped and hit her head to the table. 

" Where am I ", asked Maria. 

Then,  she saw a man with glasses in front of her along with the others. 

" You must be Maria ", asked Reiji. 

Maria didn't say anything, but she was still scared. 

" The little bitch isn't talking to us", said Laito. 

Reiji groaned. 

" W- who are you ", asked Maria scared. 

" I'm Ayato the one who brought you to our mansion to stay for now on ", explained Ayato .

Then,  Maria stood up. 

" I'm  Maria  ", said Maria. 

Then,  Laito walked towards Maria and grabbed her arm and bit her.

" She doesn't have Eve's blood ", said Laito. 

Maria pushed Laito away from her. 

" Anyway  I'm Laito ", said  Laito. 

" And who are you ", asked Maria. 

" I'm Kanato ", said Kanato. 

" That's Reiji,  Shu and Subaru ", said Ayato. 

The 3 said hello to Maria. 

Chapter Four  - the  question: 

Maria unpacked her clothes and put it in the drawers.

" I'm not dreaming this is real,"said Maria. 

Then,  Laito covered her mouth before she screamed. 

" I'm going to let go, but don't scream ", said  Laito. 

Maria nodded. 

Then,  Laito uncovered her mouth. 

" You  got a question for me ", asked Laito. 

" It's about that man named Ruki Mukami  why was he trying to kidnap me", asked Maria. 

" They want you to choose who you will stay and about the vampire prince ", explained Laito. 

Maria was worried about the answer. 

" Do you have a question for me ", asked Maria. 

" Why don't you have Eve's blood ", asked Laito. 

Maria was confused. 

" I was born with normal blood ", answered Maria. 

Then,  Laito kissed Maria to the mouth  that made her blush.

" See you later,  little bitch",said Laito. 

Then,  Laito walked away. 

Chapter Five - Maria and Shu talk :

Around 6 p.m , Maria felt her arm the Ruki Mukami  bit her at .

" I don't understand why Laito  asked about Eve's blood ", said Maria to herself. 

Then,  Shu  came in the bathroom.  

" You must be surprised to see me ", asked Shu. 

Maria nodded as she put on her bathrobe  , but Shu grabbed her arm and pull her in bathtub with him.

" You also a vampire too ", said Maria. 

" Yes, and you might've known Yui Komori ", said Shu.

" She's my adopted mother after I lost my parents by these wolves I saw", said Maria. 

Shu remembered that day of the wolves that attacked them.

" Are you okay,  Shu", asked Maria. 

Shu was gone,  so Maria change to her clothes and walked out of the bathroom.

Chapter Six - the voice: 

Maria was brushing her hair  while looking at the mirror. 

" Why did Shu left ", asked  Maria  to herself. 

Then,  she felt a touch on her neck she turned around and she saw a man with a eyepatch.


  • cool

    Sep 19, 2017

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