Dark Quote
Read Count : 90
Category : Notes/work
Sub Category : N/A
Have you ever felt alone? I just wanna say your not alone Don't tear Don't be in the darkness I know how it feels It feels like... Your saying.. I NEVER CHOOSE TO BE LIKE THIS I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN I WISH I COULD DIE don't say that! Your perfect how you are I had been laughed by bad boys I have been hit by one DON'T LET DARKNESS TAKE YOU AWAY STAY IN THE.... LIGHT!!!! please.... AND IF YOUR READING THIS DON'T JUDGE ME just think... I have others that understand me... You don't need friends to be happy! Be happy Be kind Be who you really are..... A wonderfull human that was born Be free go run free be in the leafs be alive Never give up... Never tear.... Never lissen to does people... Be light DON'T BE DARKNESS Be life If your reading this... Im glad your alive I just wanna say... JUST BECAUSE YOUR EYES DONT TEAR DOESNT MEAN YOUR HEART DOESNT CRY Never give up please...