Ireland Boys :trapped In The Asylum
Read Count : 199
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Thriller
Prologue A YouTube channel called The Ireland Boys Production was savage-enough to go to a abandon asylum, however going there at night was scary but they didn't know was what lies in the asylum or what was left. Ye Ye for ur lives! Nick and Ricky was two boys that loved making YouTube videos to show how Savage they are. Nick and Ricky had gotten there buddy, Rowhan from his home. These guys were ready to explore a abandon asylum.Nick was truly confident of exploring but Ricky has a bad feeling for this. Two hours later , the boys went to the asylum. Rowhan was ready to go, soon as he saw the building before even walking in. Nick challenged Ricky to take a picture with him in the asylum. Nick took the photo, but something wasn't right, there were a girl with long black hair standing right behind him. Nick told Ricky what he saw. The boys did not felt comfortable there anymore. So Ricky told the others to go to the other building. Rowhan had a stomach problem every since he'd lay eyes with these building. Rowhan didn't feel well so the boys had to turn back to the car. As the boys were leaving the asylum, Nick heard a girl scream that echoed across the forest. Ricky demanded the boys should run for their lives. Fear was creeping up all over them. Nick heard the scream again, but it got louder and louder and louder. Ricky and Nick was both ready to run even faster. Nick and Ricky finally reached the car. Ricky felt something was wrong, Ricky and Nick had left Rowhan behind. Nick texted Rowhan to tell him where he was. Rowhan sent a picture of where he was. Nick gasped and told Ricky that Rowhan was in the basement of the asylum trapped with the girl. Rowhan said to call the cops and tell them that he won't be there when they arrive. TO BE CONTINUED.....