My Struggle With Drugs 💉 Read Count : 138

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
The problem with drugs are few and far, 
It hollows your soul no matter who you are.
The most purehearted people bow in defeat, lost, not sure how it started, or got to the point you lay at it's feet.
It strips you of your sense of worth, 
my memories all ones i wish i'd forget..
 each step removing you more from this earth, every shot every pill, every cigarette.
I know deep down I'm worth it. 
But memory fails to serve, 
a time in my life i didn't feel like shit and a time happiness was something I felt i deserved.
Its a war most will never win,
 should you choose to serve..
its a battlefield I've been stuck in, 
and had no choice but to persevere.
 I struggle every day.
 Still fighting to change and feel okay..
still trying to forget the things I run from, and trying to find  out if im not the only one.
Fighting to stay a good person..
when the world has forced me to be a monster. 
Trying to not let it worsen, while i fight to get back to my mother and brothers.
Desperate to re awaken the child i once knew, 
who didn't let the world around her 
Influence what she would do..
its not peer pressure, 
as im left with only graves. 
No friends to tell me what to do, 
just me a slave to my memories, 
old and new.


  • awesome. i know your pain.

    Sep 15, 2017

  • thank you so much. feel free to message me. this fight is a little easier when you have allies. (:

    Sep 22, 2017

  • Tyler Durden

    Tyler Durden

    Give the love you want to the person that would never walk away from you

    Nov 18, 2017

  • It's really good and sad at the same time. :)

    Dec 11, 2017

  • amazing

    Apr 29, 2018

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