The Next World Read Count : 128

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Chapter one

	The city noises were a constant in Luke's room. Luke would look up from his monitor every once in awhile contemplating about what next to write. He was creating his first ever fiction novel, it was about a knight saving a princess from the evil sorcerer Gannotu. Luke would often question his originality, though he didn't think too much of it. It was his first novel and he figured, cliches were allowed for a novice. As he furiously typed the words on his keyboard, his vision was steadily getting more and more blurrier. It was already 2:34 in the morning and Luke had to get up at 8.

	“Awe jeez. It's this time already? Ugh, I guess I'll have to get some sleep tonight. Just a few more paragraphs untill the end of this chapter. I'll catch up on all the sleep I've missed when I'm dead.”

	With sleeping bags upon sleeping bags under his eyes, he finished the last few paragraphs before heading to bed. The city noises kept on.  “The city may never sleep, but I certainly need some now.” He saved his work, then turned off his computer. He put on his pajamas, they were blue with teddy bears all over, and then he slowly walked over to his bed and laid down for the night.

	Just as he was starting to doze off, Luke's computer turn back on with a 'Buzzt'. “The heck? How in the hell did you turn back on?” Luke got up and turn the computer back off… or so he would have but it wouldn't turn off. He tried the power button, he tried unplugging it but the screen still stayed on in defiance. It's at this point that he realized that the city noises have stopped. This wasn't right. The monitor started to make a low, quiet humming that soon got louder and louder until it was all that he could hear. 

	The hum drowned everything out, Luke couldn't even hear himself think. “What the hell is going on!” The now otherworldly noise was soaking deep into Luke's core, shaking his very being. It hurt. Imagine having one hundred drill hammers splitting your head open, this was worse. He screamed out in pain, tears welling up in his eyes as he retreated into a ball. Just as he thought he was going to die, it stopped. 

	There was nothing. No hum, no city noise. Not even the ringing that you get when there was no noise, just nothingness. “Am I dead?” He wasn't expecting an answer, more of he was just thinking to himself, but when he heard the chirp of a bird beside him, he figured that yes, he did die.

	All the sounds of the woods came crashing in at once, like a beautiful orchestra of nature. The birds singing, the wind howling through the trees, the woodland animals and their various noises from running around the scenery. Luke thought to himself that heaven truly was just like they said, if not with more trees.

	After a few minutes of admiring the fact that the after life wasn't nothingness, Luke got up and started walking. In no particular direction, he just wanted to find other people and more importantly, a computer to write down his experience. He noticed that, despite it being past 2:40 AM (he wasn't sure of the exact time) here it was daytime.

	After an hour of walking, Luke came to the decision that this was not in fact heaven. Drained, tired and exausted, he now realize that this is what it was like to be in hell. The "beautiful" chirping of birds have lost their tune a long time ago and every noise was like needles to Luke's head. Oh, how he miss the absolute nothingness now.

	Luke finally came to the edge of the woods, free at last from the horrors of nature. He was in a field of brilliant green. Too bright for how little sleep he has had. He could see a small town down the hill. He started stumbling fowords, the thought of sleep is the only thing in his mind. Everything was blurry. Everything was making the most horrible of noises and he felt numb. Numb and sick. Sick and nauseous. Luke fallen face first into the green. He pushed hard with all his dwindling strength but just can't seem to get back onto his feet. Why was he so beat? It's not like he hasn't pulled all nighters before. He tries again and fails to get back up, making a pitiful scene as his teddy bear PJ's got grass stains and dirt all over them. Then his vision began to fade to Black as he lies there, deciding to let whatever happens, happen. For the second time that day, there was nothingness.

	Luke woken with a start as his body screams out at the sudden movement. He slowly started to look at his surroundings. He was in a small room with wooden walls. There was a writing desk underneath a small  window overlooking the town (or should he say village? It wasn't as impressive as what he thought it was). He then looked down at himself. He was in an old, beat up bed and in a tattered brown tunic and trousers. “Wait… was I wearing these before?” Although he was speaking to himself, he got an answer. “No, I changed you out of those… odd clothes you had on. Where on Earth did you find such unique clothing?” The voice came from a woman walking into the room whom, Luke has never seen before. Well, at least he thinks he hasn't. He can't quite remember anything before waking up in bed… there's a bit about some kind of woods but nothing clearly. “I… I can't remember.”

Writer's notes, I uploaded this to see how it is taken. I don't want to waist time on something that no one wants to read
Rate honestly and criticize productively 😋


  • offically my fav story

    Sep 15, 2017

  • intreasting

    Sep 15, 2017

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