The Ghost Cow Read Count : 177

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Thriller
one day at a farm a farmer was milking a cow. He saw a cow down on a field, so he went to get the cow.  he looked at the cow and saw it was kinda clear. he got scared and ran away back to his home. he called the ghost busters but they didn't think a cow did anything wrong.
3 weeks later...
the farmer walked outside and didn't see the ghost in the field, so he went to go milk the cows. he heard something behind him. he turned around and saw the ghost cow. the farmer had no where to run.he almost passed out, but the cow just stared him in the eye. the ghost tried to lick the farmer, but the ghost was to much of a ghost. the farmer realized the ghost was nice. the farmer was able to milk his cows and not be scared.


  • Mercie Longoria

    Mercie Longoria

    i am fine today

    Sep 12, 2017

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