Read Count : 106
Category : Books-Non-Fiction
Sub Category : Reference
once lived 2.1 billion people in the st louis mo metropolitan area. they were all doing there on hobbies. there were 10 main people of the city there names was Tony was Tony, jack ,Jake and presswood ,Mathew ,Jacob abraham lincoln Kyle Justin. it was night Tony wanted to go walking down the street the Jacob said do you want me to come with you.Tony Said no Jacob said "okay don't be calling me for help then when you need it". so then Tony just kept on he was in the woods. Until he heard the sound of do u want a ride it was a stranger with a burnt body with no head he "SCREAMED"AWWW" HE RAN FARTHER IN THE WOODS the monster kept following him. The monster had his friends with him they said we are gonna kill you.He just kept running until he got to the Mississippi river then he jumped in it. He finnally lost him so he went in the arch. then after that he went back home to tell his friends they didnt believe him at all so then he watched some cartoons to get it out his head the end