Exchange Student Read Count : 182

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
My name is Kate I am an exchange student in italy I have found 1 guy he from brazil he name is Vene  now we are best friend his nice kind funny cute all everything I need we have first kiss first day of school his turn and kiss me on the lips they think that we are more than best friend 


  • Salawudeen Saudat

    Salawudeen Saudat

    Please, I don't understand.

    Apr 13, 2017

  • Salawudeen Saudat

    Salawudeen Saudat

    Please, I don't understand.

    Apr 13, 2017

  • Fifa Nan

    Fifa Nan

    There is doubt about their behavior in the ways that do not transparency, the operating officer of the company.Hi, sorry to disturb you.Read this message.All companies that are selling products that require contact with the department responsible for the accuracy of the documents andtheprocedureb Of the process of payment to the vendor company in the country and abroad.The purchase or use of the product to the manufacturer.It has seen often.I found something unusual about the delivery of goods to the companies have staff suppliers, sellers anddealerswith anofferof deliverythat Is not transparent the corruption of the company. The items are delivered did not match the document.Delivery before sending the bill came back, these products look but did not come submitted false, the buyer or seller well know.Usercommandsora fully licensed.Therefore , As a channel for your own profit.So let bulakorn as foreign experts to monitor the presence and absence of the perpetrator.If is apeople in I do not say that everybody but some people have some nice features.What have found that employees who do not follow the rules such as selling lottery tickets are illegal in plant linked to associated withMoney Loan interest rates increase many.So ask you to consider action against the rules this time.Courtesy of the work of many people who work in the department that has the higher position.The words of the people who use bads spoken from the mouth, whichisthought toit People feel uncomfortable listening to hear it more.I'm wondering about the behavior of the performance of.Only a handful of such divisions have few employees but there are too many.The about something improperate bout the performance, to say No virtue.Say that many be beyond the scope of work.Used of the words used to force talk.If an employee has a personal conflict or dispute.The watchdog time is not working properly.He used hispersonal feeling abou I wonder if the department has not presented a report on the work of its employees whose salary adjustment, consider specifically individuals with higher education only.The relatives and friends have not called them an advantage, will bedeterminedindividually Only.Have seen and across the system.And has seen several years of work in company.I spent many years thinking about this message that is not or because something is irrelevant to me if the spread.Nothing good time, likethe proverbial Thailand said one drop of water to extinguish the fire before it burns.

    Apr 14, 2017

  • Apr 13, 2017

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