My New Power. Chapter 7 Read Count : 243

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
Hey everybody before we get into the book I just want to let you all know that I'm going out for vacation tommorow for vacation so I'm not going to post a chapter in more than 5 days and after that I might make the chapters a little bit shorter so I can post more often. Anyways lets get right into it.

Professor how are the results coming said Lizzie staring coldly at my bodie. Great Lizzie in a few minutes I'll know exactly what power he holds. Are you sure he has a worthy enough rune to send David to risk his life to save him. I dont know Lizzie, but if David had went out personally to get Jack he might have some potential. Maybe your right Professor, its just I have a weird feeling something isn't right here...
Well Lizzie you might want to take a look at this. What is it profess•. Is that what I think it is. Lizzie Jack. Jack is a code Red but, but, we havent had a code red ever since Sebastian, and you know how all that ended. Yes Lizzie I do, but we have to do our best to protect Jack. The only reason Sabastian ended out like that was because he felt like an outcast we cant let the same thing happen to Jack. The Fire power is to dangerous if we let it out of control again. Or maybe worse, His mana levels are through the roof. Far from Sabastian's power if it gets out of control. We might never, recover. 
Wha• Lizzie, Professor. Lizzie hes waking up dont tell Jack straight away about his power. If he finds out this way he'll freak out. I'll get our top student. Bryon to train and show Jack to control his power. Remember we cant tell anyone or even Jack about his power yet ok. Ok professor 

My New Power Chapter 8 coming soon
Thanks for reading hope you Rate, Comment, and send me some support. So thanks and see you next time


  • Apr 14, 2017

  • May 13, 2017

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