Sifting Through The Darkness
Read Count : 210
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
As I sit here in the dark Searching my heart For that spark that once shined bright All my life I loved to write Now I yearn to write like I once did There wasn't a time you could find me without a pen Ten years a fight just to stay in the life of my kid Has did a number on me An awaken slumber something deep But yet I still feel that hunger one that can't be appeased by something to eat A subtle beat That grows closer with every line I critique Trying reprogram my mind to find who I use to be It still comes so fluently But the love isn't as congruent as it used to be The man I've grew to be Have changed my writings all the fighting has enlightened a darker me The sole proprietor and author of Reep Had to distance himself from people like my father's daughter indeed Who sought to slaughter me in my time of need a few deadly blows but missed every artery The artistry will out live it If I paint the pain exquisitely vivid Chronicling how all those close to me sought to kill my spirit But that voice inside of me that soft spoken whisper I'll forever tune my ears in just to ear it I'll forever speak the truths They cover up and pretending And that's the reason why they fear it