She's The Evil I'm The Genius
Read Count : 174
Category : Books-Fiction
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She's my evil and she always will be not only is she my evil she is also my best friend Stacey. I'm Sarah and this is going to be how I hope my life will be after I graduate from high school and go on to do bigger and better thing. About a month before I finished high school I found out I was expected into the culinary school I wanted to go to. Since my dream was to be come a baker and own my own bakery it only makes sense that I'm going to culinary school. Of course I have to have my best friend right there with we so now we are heading out to go to Toronto so we can start culinary school. We got are first house in Toronto about a week ago all of are stuff is already there and no know can tell us what to do. It took us about 3 days to drive down there but it was worth it. I can imagine us not moving there and not going to school together it's been a couple of years and we got a tattoo together to show how close we are. I now co own a bakery with Stacey and it's exactly how I wanted it to be. It's called the arts and the inside walls are covered in street art and everything is designed to be perfect for doing art. I think this is perfect because me and Stacey doth love art and we also get to sell what we make to people that are also making something. I think it's amazing I would never change a thing this is my dream the only thing that could make this better is if I had someone that loved me and that I loved.
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