Devotion - Harry Potter Fanfiction
Read Count : 144
Category : Adult
Sub Category : Erotic
Devotion By BlueHot Chronicles Disclaimer: All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of BlueHot Chronicles. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. Author’s Note: For my new readers, I write mostly interracial stories, but this is not one of them; I didn’t dwell on Bella’s looks as much, so you can picture her however you like. Summary: Just a one shot about that time Bellatrix got what she wanted most in the world; the Dark Lord. ~~~(*)~~~(*)~~~ It's been three months since the death of my cousin, and the memory of his shock and surprise before he keeled over into the Veil still sent shivers of delight up my spine. I chuckled as I - finally - brushed the kinks out of my hair and watched as it shone the blue-black of a raven's wing and as silky as it was before my stay in Azkaban. "Begging mistress' pardon." I replaced the brush on the vanity and addressed the voice beside me. "You may show yourself, Clove." The house-elf appeared fully and waited for my nod to speak. "Mistress Bella's bath is ready as mistress has ordered." "Thank you, Clove. Lay out the nightgown I bought earlier then you may retire for the evening." It took two seconds for Clove to do as I asked before she popped away to her assigned nesting area. "Sage." Because I had summoned him, Sage - the house-elf that supervised the meals in the Malfoys kitchen - appeared fully before me. "Have a bit of sustenance released into the gardens for Nagini," I said immediately upon his appearance, "and send up a single serving of canapes and a bottle of Superior, chilled." "Sage will do this at once, mistress." He popped away. Hmmm, these little creatures intrigue me; their display of power, especially when commanded was astonishing. I've already brought this to the attention of my master; the house-elves were on his list to be... studied once the wizarding world was on its knees before him and the muggles eliminated. The Dark Lord, my master, was a god among us. It was disturbing that the rest of the wizarding world couldn't see his greatness. The exotic, alluring fragrance of natural oils coming from the bathroom was enticing. In the lavishly furnished master bath, I discarded my thoughts of house-elves and the rest of the wizarding world along with my clothing and slipped into the large tub, the water bubbling with the aid of Clove's magic. ~~~(*)~~~(*)~~~ Half an hour later, I was moisturising my body in preparation for later that night when a knock sounded at the bedroom door. I threw on a conjured robe around me and told whoever it was to enter. "Ah, Rodolphus," I sprang up from my chair at the vanity with the girlish giggle he abhorred, "did you get it?" I knew my question made me appear childish, a kid asking for a new toy, but I didn't care. What I wanted from him was too precious. "I did," he replied, brandishing the tiny potion bottle and hastily pulled his hand to safety as I grabbed the bottle like he'd stolen it from me, "damn you, Bella, watch it with those nails of yours." I shrugged my apology; I habitually coated the tips of my pointy nails with a poison that caused paralysis in minutes. Not on this night, though, tonight I planned to sink these nails into those firm ass cheeks of my lord as he filled me with his seed. My breathing hitched, my hands trembled and my gaze blanked as I stared at the tiny phial; my gaze turned inward at the visions of the nasty things I was going to do to him later that night. "I'm still here." "Right," I said and swallowed thickly, later; there are some spells - "So Snape said you should -" "Snape? You actually got Snape to make this for you?" I was impressed, the slimy half-blood only ever brewed for the Dark Lord and sometimes Lucius could persuade him to brew a potion or two. The rest of us Death Eaters had to endure the products of mediocre brewers. Not that I'd admit that Snape was a genuine and highly sought after Potions Master. Somehow, he had gained the trust of the Dark Lord, and I hated him for it. One way or another, Snape would make a mistake, and I would be present to witness his demise at the hand of our lord. That aside, the 'Sacred Tears of Oudh' was an exceedingly difficult potion to brew. "What did you have to give the half-blood in return?" "He made me vow to - and I quote - 'keep the crazy bint away' from him whenever you're both in the same vicinity; not counting meetings of course." I held the phial up to the light admiring the light pink potion with violet pearls swirling throughout. In my peripheral, I could see Rodolphus' uneasy shift, and I held back a smirk. "Relax, Rodolphus, I will do nothing that would make your vow backfire on you. I will leave Snape alone; after all, aside from our master, you are my closest ally. I won't jeopardise that." I gave my husband a rare smile of affection; our alliance was one of brilliance and convenience. My love for the Dark Lord did not upset my husband, and Rodolphus took any exotic, muggle female he desired. Any other wizard and I would kill them for such debased actions, but Rodolphus' females never survived his… pleasures anyway. One time I'd walked in on him just as he'd finished spectacularly in one of them, ha, her face had remained frozen in pleasure after he'd cast a wandless Avada Kedavra still gripping her hips. I swear, I almost fell head over heels for the sick bastard, but he was nothing compared to the Dark Lord. He pointed at the phial, "Touch one drop on either side of your lips, and no, not the one currently painted 'whorish-red', then place one drop on your tongue. Any more and you might as well just aim a Killing Curse at your own head." "I know, I've used it once, long ago." "Really?" His tone was one of shock. "Yes. Thank Merlin it didn't work. I still tortured the filthy scum that sold me the potion, he should have known better than to give me inferior stock." "Hmmm, but can you imagine us having children?" We stared at each other for a moment before a shudder of revulsion rocked the both of us. "Well, I'll leave you to continue getting ready so you can have that pleasure with our lord. Congratulations on your reward, Bella." "And you, Rodolphus. Speaking of rewards, your current prize has lasted longer than the others, how come?" A blaze of lust flared in his eyes and he licked his lips, "She screams so prettily, Bella," he whispered, "I can't wait for our next step tonight." I smiled as I banished my robe and slipped on the silky black negligee. I wasn't worried about Rodolphus, I'm not his type. In fact, my looks are in opposition to the females he desires. "Well, don't do anything I wouldn't," I said, walking him to the exit. "Don't worry, I promise she'll be screaming in pleasure tonight and pleading for death by morning." ~~~(*)~~~(*)~~~ After Rodolphus had left to entertain himself with the disgusting muggle tied up somewhere in his room, I applied the potion as instructed, poured some wine and waited on the rug at the foot of the bed. I finished off the canapes and banished the tray leaving the bottle on wine and an extra glass for my lord. My hunger sated, I longed for the satisfaction of another kind. The Dark Lord has promised a reward any witch would be lucky to receive. My skin tingled in anticipation, but then again, the chill of the room might have something to do with that. My lord thrives in the cold and so I will oblige his every need. "Come, Bella, it is time for my ablutions." I stood at once and there on the bed lay the Dark Lord in all his pale, naked glory awaiting my cleansing magick. I hadn't heard him apparate into the room; my master was so deliciously powerful. Without delay, I cast a silencing charm around the room and went to his side. Using wandless magick, I cast a plethora of potent cleansing spells on his supine body. He lay stiff and unyielding, his gorgeous ruby eyes closed - I suspected - in contemplation of my reward this night. My gaze traversed his body hungrily; his tall form, though slender, was muscled in all the right places. As my magick travelled along his body, cleansing as it went, the Dark Lord's magick pulsed throughout the room. My breathing hitched and excitement thrummed along my spine; I was in the presence of a dark god, and he was about to allow me the pleasure of touching one such as him. His nostrils flared and I knew he detected my arousal. With the last cleansing spell done, I cast a Charm I'd created that would give the sensation of suction to his flaccid length for a few seconds. I had to lick my lips as his member slithered into hardness and came to rest on his flat stomach. Razors were slashing along my nerves, and I was on my back and screaming; the pain stopped before I realised I was under a Cruciatus. I scrambled to my knees and remained prostrate before him where he was now standing. "Forgive me, master," I sobbed, needing his reassurance, "I acted without permission, I deserve your displeasure." "That you do, Bella," he spat, "next time, await my instructionssss." "Yes, my lord," was all I said as I remained with my forehead on the floor, expecting his dismissal. Disappointed in myself for my hastiness, I sighed, now I might have to wait days or months for another opportunity, if ever. "Look at me, Bella." I sat back on my heels, my body shaking with the after effects of the Cruciatus and my eyes widened; he stood directly before me and again; I had not heard him move. In my seated position, his hardened length was pointing at my forehead, and as my inner thighs trembled, my core dampened. "Look into my eyessss, Bella." My eyes locked onto his ruby orbs and I pleaded silently, while he glared imperiously at my shameless begging. You're my dark god, my everything, I live to please you. Do with me as you will, master. "You may begin, Bella," he said as he sneered at my heaving breasts. I was instantly on my knees; my lips clamped around his flesh and my painted fingernails had a tight grip on firm ass-cheeks the second my master's order was given. I sucked and swallowed, my wetness throbbing in anticipation of being filled. The pleasure of my dark lord was all that mattered; he was giving me a priceless treasure, his seed; the honour of bearing his heir. Our offspring will rule alongside the Dark Lord. As his extended hiss of pleasure reverberated around the room, I revelled in the knowledge that I would get to do this every night until conception. I moaned as I savoured him noisily... hungrily. I chanced a quick glance at my lord whose eyes were closed in bliss, and his lips parted. The hisses, still emanating from him, sent a delightful shiver down my spine as cold fingers gripped my hair. I had devoted myself to the Dark Lord years ago; my body was his for the taking. Tonight, it was my secret goal to make my master scream his devotion to me. The End. Or is it?