Revenge Part 1
Read Count : 97
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
hi my name is Sarah everyone hates me because of how I look Nobody did care about how I would feel. People are so judge Mental.Sometimes I wish I had a power which I can control The world and kill people who talks bad to me I just want revenge One day a guy told me about a ritual for having power. I tried it and it worked.The guide said to put myself inside a glass box and that will make another me. Me that is evil and not good. the guy who told me about that even give me a crown that crown will be the source of my power now I'm unstoppable. I know I shouldn't do this but people made me do this. I never wanted to be evil but they made me do this. People begging their lives to be spared but I kill them,I don't even know what's happening right now I feel like I have lost my mind. one day a group of people they took my crown and broke it the crown was not broken but the gems inside it. It became free and without those 8 pieces of gem the crown will not have powers then the people said.8 person from the future shall be sent to fix the crown and wear it not to be evil but to broke the spell and defeat you I tried to stop them but it wa too late ~TBC~
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