Audrey Virginia Williamson _ My Spiritual Guide
Read Count : 128
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
My Spirit Guardian_ Audrey Virginia Williamson By M.L. Williamson Genre Ghost Stories _ My Personal Encounter To be honest, I'm not sure if she's my "spirit guardian" or if that's even the right word for it. I know who she is,or or at least who I think she is. I believe she is the immoral essence of my aunt who mysteriously died in Wisconsin. I do not know why she chose to come to me when she did. I do not know why she's been with me for so long. I only know she's a positive force, and I'd do almost anything for my hair to be the same blond as hers. I grew up in an actively haunted house. It seemed like daily there was whispering, singing, touching, foot steps, opening cabinet doors, or just about anything else you could imagine. I had a lot of friends who I'm still lucky enough to be close with as an adult, and even though they were all horrified of my house, they still like to laugh and shudder and get chill bumps while sharing ghostly memories with me. The woman was there with me. As silly as it sounds, I'm not sure if she lived and died I am unsure if the stories told about Virginia are true. Thinking back on the stories ,assuming they are true, it would have been best if she had not lived at all. or if she had lived in another place and time. The stories told of my aunt was at age fifteen she was introduced to the escort business by her mother, my grandmother, who accepted cash tribute from numerous gentleman who found Virginia desirable. I have no way of confirming whether this or any of the loveless stories are true,or were ever true. I know my cousin Donald was born outside the saintity of marriage to my Aunt Virginia. I know our grandmother took custody of Donald as an infant. The story remained that sometime prior to the birth Virginia was secretly wed to a Mister Everett Ledbetter. I can neither confirm or deny the vicious claims, the mother grandmother sought and won legal custody of her infant grandson. Again vicious stories report the grandmother unofficially, if not legally changed the infant's name to Humphrey,the sir name of the alleged biological father. I cannot confirm nor can I deny the reported tales of my Aunt Virginia or the list of reported male friends, lovers, and multiples of marriage partners. Virginia, was my daddy's only sister. for this,and her unfailing kindness to my mother and me.she has my love and respect. So let the stories and the Gossiping mongers behind them be damned. For all she wasn't ,and for whatever she was, she was one of the constant beings in the house. As a child and teenager, I would see her feet walk across a room from wall or wall or hear her lightly stepping down my hallway. Occasionally, she'd show herself to me for very, very quick instances. The one night that stands clear in my memory. Mother was working the eleven to seven shift at the Dixie 66 Truck Stop on highway 26. I was comfortably snuggled in my favorite pajamas nestled deep within the homemade quilts as I listened to W.B.A.P. in Dallas Fort Worth, my favorite country radio station. The DJ had finished playing Phantom 409 and Teddy bear's ride . it was a play it forward dedication to some trucker's SO. dedication was code " Her Trucker wasn't coming home " those forward dedications made me cry, they still do. I was trying hard to dry my eyes and put the songs out of my mind. I really had to get some sleep. I had school tomorrow. I don't recall the time I drifted off but, sometime between midnight and dawn, I was awakened by Virginia. with urgency in her voice she commanded me to rise and follow her. I recall putting up some ineffectual argument. Virginia, or Aunt Virginia wasn't taking " No" as an answer. she was clear my life was in imminent danger. I complied,more out of appeasment than belief or fear. A golden orb encircled us as Virginia held my hand leading,actually dragging me to the home of my maternal grandmother. when Granny opened the door I asked, can I sleep here tonight? something about my house doesn't feel safe. At first light Granny and I returned to the home where mother and I lived. The front door was standing open . Granny asked , " Did you leave in such hurry you forgot to close the door. immediately our attention focused on the set of muddy boot prints leading straight from the open door to my bed. Granny,and I saw one set of prints. had the intruder followed his prints back out away from the house ? Had Virginia's peminision saved my life ? or had I responded to a night terror ? It all sounds incredibly far fetched when I write it all down like this. It even may make some people question my sanity. Even I'm questioning it right now, but I know what I've seen and heard. Who do you guys think she is?
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