The Victorian Ghostly Gentleman Read Count : 114

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
     I spent many nights alone during the years I called Number 1 Morgan Lee Road home. On occasion, an unknown appearation would grace me with his presence. He was tall over six feet. His statuesque was slender.  His attire was victorian .I would guess. From his shoulders flowed a long cape. His vest and pants have an impression of Victorian old world charm. On  his head  he wore a stylish top hat.Each time he appeared for a spontaneous visit. He was clothed in dark black or possibly dark gray.  

 The imprmptu appeances did not lend themselves to visual identification. From the many lightning flash visits I seem to recall the visitor having dark eyes shadowed by a thick browline. His face was smooth shaven with the exception of his impeccably trimmed moustache which shimmered as if it were waxed the tips of his moustache curled at the corners or just below the corners of his mouth.
    I never attempted to communicate with him. I was curious as to who he was. Several times I wanted to ask his name. I wanted to know  why he was there in my home ? I questioned why he only appeared when I was alone ? I was curious about why he returned on such an irregular basis. Each time I attempted to establish eye contact the State!y gentleman would vanish as quickly as he had appeared.

   I described my frequent guest to my mother and asked if any ancient relatives vaguely fit the physical description. She declined to reply however, her facial expressions left me with the suspicions she knew or strongly suspected she knew his identity or he knew her.

    Having only glimpses of his physical appearance and no verbal or telepathic communications I respectfully gave my visitor the name Great Grandfather. 


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