The Feral Human Read Count : 147

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
The Feral Human

Preliminary stats. Subject is six feet zero inches in height . The approximate weight is 150 pounds. There is a distinguishing scar along the midline of the subjects sternum which would appear to be a surgical scar. Open heart surgery is the most likely hypothesis. Subject has a secondary scar on his left shoulder our best hypothesis again is a surgical incisions
M. Is the most irritating being I know . The first irritating thing about M is his hair . His hair reeks of to many home hair cuts. The hair it is collar length, thick, black, and oily. This alone gives M the outward appearance one expects to see in a psychopath. Further test will be necessary to dispel or to confirm the mental status of M.
The second irritating quality , I find, is his eye brows which look like two fuzzy fat caterpillars stretched above his eyes. His eye brows are smaller narrower twins to his irritating unkempt hair.
 I find the next irritating thing I find about the creature M, is his eyes. His eyes change from unearthly black to tawny brown .From tawny brown they change to Amber with olive green flecks. The dark heavy circles discoloration beneath his camillion eyes not only irritate me they intimidate me. I am frightened by the outward appearance of the. Subject M . Still, the specimen has been assigned and I, a researcher have a job to do. The eyes recede back into the orbital sockets this indication of extremely poor health concerns me. I can only speculate as to the pathogens the subject may carry. I am intimidated by this and the absence of knowledge.
The list of irritants brings me to it's facial hair. The  moustache is a larger wider twin or triplet to it's caterpillar eye brows. The list of irritants takes me to his beard. It is around his substance portal that the moustache and beard converge into what can best be described as resembling a woman's vagina. Again, this outward appearance indicates M is a psychopath proceed with extreme caution.
  The mouth of this specimen M. Is a festering sewer the lips ,if that is what they are, the lips are shaped and positioned on the face much like the labia and inner appendages of the female genitalia.  But, Unlike female genitalia the lips are dry with the texture of deser wast sage ground and mingled with glass and sand. From this, I question could specimen be reptilian? 
Below the mouth or substance portal is a thin row of facial hair .from visual observation this could be some unknown residue from a previous evolutionary stage. 
When the smell from the specimens mouth is factored in the description yeast infected vagina best describes the experience one has when encountering the creature. 
Further observation and analysis confirms the aroma presence of stale tobacco and skunk weed. I am irritated that this creature has self medicated introducing toxins his mind and body do not need. M is definitely suicidal. Again the indicators are M is potentially a psychopath.
Why would any cencioned lifeform introduce chemicals and toxins into it's internal systems. It is my hypothesis that subject M. Is a frequent long term user of Cannabis therefore, subject. Is diagnosed with Cannabis user disorder. This is based on the. Subjects. Responses to our investigative questions.

When did you first use Cannibals  subject responded  " probably around age twelve or thirteen .
How often do you use Cannabis ,? The subject responded. " Every few hours when I can get it." Subject then requested a medical marijuana card. The attending physician declined . At this point, M. Became violently agitated.
How much cannabis do you consume on a daily basis ? The response given was " an ounce per day, that is all the law says I can have at one time."
If you could you would have more and you would smoke more ? The subject responded " yes , "
The subject was informed ' you have  Cannabis User Disorder. This is what Cannabis done to youth your psychological and physical health.
Cannabis has impaired your academic potential. When asked what kind of student had been. M. Responded, mostly C's and D's .  The physician replied, if not for the Cannibas use,you may have been an And B student. Who knows what academic awards might have been in your future. The truth was there for M. And all to see. His Academic accolade’s consisted of suspensions, expulsions, in school detention ,being banned from the public school bus. The highest grade was a c , his lowest grade was F or I for incomplete.
When asked about his employment history M. Admitted he had never stayed with any employer past the first pay check. M admitted he left almost every job because something else caught his attention. The physician advised M. This tends to confirm the previous diagnoses Cannabis User and the diagnosed Attention deficent Hyper Activity disorder.
When quizzed about his social life My. Confided he could count the number of friends on one hand. During the conversation M later confided. He had had several romantic relationships ,all but one failed . The current relationship is on life support . When the Physician said Cannabis use could   have contributed to those failed. Relationships. M became aggressively agitated. He placed all the blame on his former girl friends
As the conversation progressed M revealed he enjoyed spanking an arrogant disobedient female. M. Justified this potential sexual abuse as being his religious rite. Spanking women who fail to obey a man, is his God given rite. M.also expressed a woman should be spanked if she disrespect a man. According to M. Women should be spanked for lying. The responses M gave concerning sexual dominance clearly indicate ADHD that has gone untreated for sometime possibly years. Could the cannabis be aggravating the pre existing ADHD ? Further testing is required to confirm or dispel this hypothesis.
As an observer I have documented the Cannabis intoxication exhibited by subject M. Personally I find the intoxicated behavior comical. Professionally, I find his intoxicated behavior appalling. The theory, however remote, that cannabis contributed to his impaired driving, it irritates me to consider dependency on a plant  is responsible for M's narcolepsy while driving .I am outraged that M a living cencioned being would surrender it's self control to chemicals contained in some plant.

M,s own behavior ,his body language, his verbalizations, all amply demonstrated the antagonistic side of his personality. M. Is the antagonist in most  a psychopathic bullish personality. I concur with the physician Cannabis use has manifest this facet of M's psychopathic personality.
The subject is, impulsive. He appears to find pleasure in taking unnecessary dangerous risk involving his safety and the safety of others. Another indication the cannabis use is or has progressed to the psychopath stage.
The subject M is irresponsible. During the six year observation M has deferred responsibility for personal matters ,such as , doctors appointments, taking medicines as prescribed, to others. M deferred personal responsibility for grooming ,personal hygiene, the maintenance and care of his clothes to others
M.has a lengthy criminal rap sheet. The charges begin with issuing death threats, criminal trespassing, to arson and weapons charges. The charge spousal neglect is because Cannibas and M's " friendship" with the dope dealers came before the obligation to his significant other.
When the Physician ask about disinhibition. Is devoid of inhibitions as well as a spiritual moral compass. M. Understands the difference between right and wrong yet, he impulsively chooses to go against the established order .is Cannabis use responsible. The physician thinks so.
I conclude M. The specimen M to be an immoral beast if Cannabis use Disorder is responsible this indicates M should be institutionalized for his protection and the protection of society.
Another sign of Cannabis user Disorder is short term memory loss.  M Attributes his memory loss to an aortic dissection and surgery to repair the aorta. This attending physician attributes the loss to Cannibas use. This is an indication of cognitive impairment brought on by long term Cannabis use.
A second indication of Cannabis use Disorder observed in M , with M. There is no comprehension of time. M. Resides in  a universe where time alters , slows down.
With M. There is an absence of apathy for others. This on human quality was observed in the emotional and physical shut down withdrawal from the world as he knew it. M expects others to shut down when death or other personal tragedy occurs. This is an ultimate irritation. M. May be a psychopath. My objective opinion is M is a heartless soulless monster.
I have remotely observed the spells of acute paranoia. M. Believes everyone is out to get him. He phantoms unnamed, unknown individuals who are stalking him .These shadows are tracking him. In M,'s mind he is being hunted .when the adversary finds him ,he will be killed. Is the paranoia Cannabis induced ,I do not know. My hypothesis is, given M's past the paranoia is justified. The killing when it occurs will be justifiable homocide.
The attending physician explained the disorder, Cannabis use Disorder produces Attention Deficit Disorder. M's mother said the Attention Disorder has been with M most of his life. The Mother said in a sworn statement she and his father were advised by mental health professionals to lock the child M in a room.and forget him. This was an archaic approach to mental health treatment.  
I've had multiple opportunities to observe and document the Anxiety panic disorder that M now manifest .again, the physician attributes the anxiety panic disorder to long term Cannibas 

The worst senario being respiatory complications such as COPD already exhibiting difficulty breathing. The diagnosis possible COPD. The absolute worst possible outcome is lung cancer. If some corrective measures are not taken the subject M will die.
When presented with the facts and offered free placement in a treatment center specializing in the treatment of Cannibas User Disorder the subject refused treatment. Why would it not choose to live is beyond me. 
The subject refused to decrease his Cannibas use. By his own admission the subject will return to increased Cannibas use. I am irritated the subject has chosen death. This specimen will die an agonizing death .
 The indications are, Specimen M. Is addicted to nicotine . The x Ray's taken show lungs blackened with tar. The subject has lungs that should be found inside a coal  miner. The potential effects are Black lung disease. Before death the subject will most likely contract respiratory illnesses such as emphazemia, chronic bronchitis, COPD, The subject M.has subjected it's self to possible tuberculosis.
  The other potential life threatening abnormalities are. Throat cancer. Envisioning M with a thoracotomy places disturbing images  in my mind of the star Wars character Darth Vader this image may be good for the movies but not for life. Another equally appealing is a feeding tube protruding from his throat. The final senario is death from the cancer and malnutrition.
There is the possibility M will contract  cancer of the esophagus. Is the specimen mentally or emotionally prepared for a life totally dependent on feeding tube and liquefied baby food ? Is the specimen physically prepared for this or any of the other potential risk ? 
With every cigarette he lights My spins the roulette wheel playing the odds he will / he will not contract mouth cancer,  Russian Roulette against the odds will he or will he not develop cancer in his nasal cavities. How attractive . M could lose his gums, his tounge  or possibly even his nose.
 Among the remaining risk there is stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer .without a pancreas the subject develops diabetes, without a working pancreas the subject will require an insulin pump or possibly insulin injections eight times daily. Without the stomach the subject will require six to eight small feedings per day. Or worse the condition could require an intestinal bypass the digestive tract becomes surgically attached to the lower intestines. There is also, the possibility of prostrate cancer .M is not prepared for any of this. Still he chooses to smoke.
The final nightmare senario is cancer in his kidneys.  If M  has trouble complying with twelve hours of hemo dialysis how will he cope with twenty to twenty four hours of dialysis every week. From twenty four hours he will progress to thirty two hours per week. A minimum of four hours seven days a week. 
As he had with the lecture on Cannibas Use Disorder M. Chose to return to his cigarettes. This self destructive Behavior irritates me beyond the breaking point. I want nothing more than to turn this humanoid lifeform over my knee. No, what am thinking if I could turn this arrogant entity over it's examination table it would benefit immensely from a lengthy session with a thick leather strap. The question is, is the specimen and the potential improvement worth my career ? For now, my answer is   No. The attitude adjustment will come at the close of the scientific examination.

 I observe the lips are moving. I detect what may be a form of verbal communication . It's sounds , the speech patterns are unfamiliar. What is a " mother fucker " and what is the definition of " cock sucker " what is the communicative significance of linking the two foreign phrases. I fane ignorance but, I,  comprehend the vulgar slang. The specimen has poor communication skills and  a very limited vocabulary
 I and other colleges in the area find this loud unintelligent utterance to be both offensive and irritating.  other incomprehensible sounds leads credence to the scientific hypothesis M is a hominoid creature of limited intellect.
  The body language and facial contortions appear to indicate irritation, extreme anger, there are obvious indications of uncontrolled rage. The source of anger is undetermined. Further extensive physical and physiological evaluation are necessary to fully explore the condition manifested by M. 
What is The defining  root cause for the manifest psychoses ? But, most determine!y ,a serious character flaw will without question evolve years of psychological and physical reconditioning . Examiner's note, this absence of self control is irritating. The exhibited absence of socialization ,the complete absence of all social skills is beyond irritating 
It, species or specimen M displays disrespect for myself and my colleagues with it's aggravating aggressive demand for a ," blow job" I believe that is what he communicated. Again, the specimen is communicating in terms that are foreign to myself  and my colleagues. We do not comprehended " head" 
the subject is in possession of what has been presumed to be his head. Why does he violently demand replacement of his head ? Again, we do not comprehend the words " bitch give me some head ,a blow job." I find the unfamiliar terms and phrases irritating. The tone of these Communications strike me as abusive. M is disrespectful .He displays a most derogatory assessment of all females.  The specimen is from here after referred to as Feral humanoid M.
Specimen M. Is aggressively violent with my colleagues and myself. The frequent slaps to our posterior region is not only disrespect, and primate aggression. It has been received as an unwelcome sexual advance. M's frequent remark that several colleagues have ' spankable bottoms is, I believe, a form of violent sexual aggression characteristic of many diagnosed psychopaths.
The mannerisms exhibited by M demonstrate a  Machiavellian personality with psychopathic undertones. M verbalizes an opinion that I and others are subservient to him, his whims, his will. I am subservient to no one and, least of all a lab specimen. Some colleagues find specimen M intimidating I find specimen M to be among the genius " narcissistic Arse hole." The specimen tends to attempt manipulation of those around him . Yes M is irritating. He is obnoxious , as obnoxious as the stench that envelops him.
M is a stinky odorous anal orifice.

M exhibits the psychopathic qualities. It meditates on when,where,and how it can most effectively maim bringing serious injury and death to others. He is mentally ,emotionally sexually stimulated when he hurts others. M finds pride as well as pleasure in Injury to others. There is a light in his eyes when he talks a bout extermination of others inmost especially those he perceives have interfered with him, his life, and his criminal plans. For me, this is frighteningly irritating. It has allegedly been recommended M be placed in a cage and placed on public display.
 Following the recommendation of my colleagues we exited the laboratory  it was conjectured that our presence might  be causing or contributing to the feral anti_ human behavior. In an unsanctioned move ; before exiting the isolation lab I released the restraints. What I and my colleagues observed was panamine the specimen exited the stretcher standing in the center of the room the specimen appeared to perform a monologue, no an argument which soon escalated into a brawl. Perplexed I questioned why would any lifeform violently converse with itself ? Why would any cension entity assault itself ? This latest manifested behavior is alarming. The insight the conduct provides is M is a hostile possibly noncensioned entity. The rehabilitation process will be extensive; if M is capable of rehabilitation.
 There is desertion among the colleagues. One colleague noted she found the  mime to be comically entertaining. It is unethical  to laugh at the specimen. However, in rare cases irritated laughter is unavoidable . I state with some certainty this is what  my professional colleague experienced. It was,and is, a one time Freudian slip that is not to be repeated.
As the colleagues and I continued with the scientific observation we observed the specimen remove his garments down to a pair of bright red thongs. The test subject threw the discarded garments in a pile near the examining table. When  a researcher entered the isolation booth to retrieve M's articles for testing Specimen M became violently aggressive. Appearance indicates among the species M. There are exaggerated senses of ownership and possessiveness . Why is the determining factor. The  garments were tattered ,soiled, there was a strong accumulation of body emissions perspiration, urine, flatuatious gasses and smears of fecal matter. 

When the researcher left the specimen positioned himself on the exam table where my co!leagues and I observed several minutes of vigorous self mutilation. The self abuse appeared concentrated on and surrounding what we believe to be genitalia. Initially the subject exhibited no outward response; there was only the Piston motion of it's hand up and down the shaft with the pincher like grope of the head of the presumed genitalia. Within sixty seconds we began  to observe facial contortions very similar to the contortions observed during rage . The conclusion specimen M derives sexual stimulation from aggressive self abuse. Sixty seconds  following the facial contortions we observed the violent eruption of a milky white substance explode from a small opening in the tip of M's presumed genitalia. Observation suggest M. derives sexual gratification from aggressive self abuse. We note this is the first documented asexual mating within the known bipedal population

M  exhibits some human characteristics. It has been observed squatting to defecate .He was observed standing during urination. The societal protocol for elimination of body fluids has yet to become ingrained in his subconscious mind and body. Subject M relapses to an animalistic state where he urinates and defacates in public.


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