Read Count : 109
Category : Books-Non-Fiction
Sub Category : Reference
Broken. Something i've experienced. Something that can't be easily fixed. Something that is misunderstood. My "Friends" will say to stay strong, And guess what, I've tried! 1000× times. But its not easy. Quotes will tell you to follow your heart, do anything you dream. But i cant follow a broken heart. Which peice do i follow? Mum, doesn't take me seriously. Dad, pah, god knows where the hell he is. Friends, well, im just a backup plan. People, don't even know i exist. Family, don't care. School, what has that place ever done except humiliate me? What do i have left? Except a tomorrow haunting me around every corner? Except a shadow reminding me of me? Except a heart aching? What am I anymore? Am i crazy? Am i messed up? Am i lost? Im all of those things. Im crazy thinking things will get better. I messed up my life. Im just a lost soul. Waiting for it to be found. What am i? Im Broken.
Well we can be broken together. Life throws some serious curve balls. Sometimes i feel they wont stop until i am dead. But i get through each one and i become a little stronger. i like to believe i am in training. Preparing for the break through. When i do i will be rewarded and life will start to become a little more peaceful instead of insanly intolerable. Take care. Remember, keep looking up.
Sep 08, 2017